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Something wasn't quite right. For three days, she had listened to him sing; and for three days, it didn't sound quite right. Something was wrong. He didn't sound happy.

Maybe she should cheer him up.

Today, she arrived early and placed something on the bench and went to hide behind the tree, counting down the minutes to 5 o'clock.

She waited for a long time, but he never came.

She didn't know why he wasn't at the park at 5 o'clock, it didn't feel okay. She was worried, was he sick? Did he get into an accident? Was he going to come tomorrow? It didn't feel okay.

And he didn't know that there was a girl with blue eyes in the park, waiting anxiously for his arrival. He didn't know that she didn't didn't feel okay, that it wasn't okay.

She waited, and waited. But when it was obvious that he wasn't going to come, she walked over to the bench and picked up her card with a big smiley face in the front. She sighed and left.

Would she see him tomorrow?

She hoped so.

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