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Early update cos its my darling cupcake's birthday! Check out the video above/to the side!

Happy Birthday, Harry Edward Styles. I can't believe that you're already 22! Are you sure you aren't 4???

You may not know that we exist, but you should know that you mean everything to us. We love you further than to the moon and back, and trust me, that's a whole fucking lot cos there's so many numbers   :)

We love you xx


On the fifth day, she came, footsteps heavy, head down. She didn't know why she was here. It was like her feet had minds of their own and took her here. The boy hadn't been seen since five days ago, he wouldn't come today, would he?

So why was she here, leaning against the tree with the heart-shaped leaves?

She sighed and sat down on a root, picking at a blade of grass, contemplating whether to leave or not.

Suddenly, she stilled. It couldn't be--

She scrambled up and cautiously peeked from behind the tree, hoping that she didn't hear wrong, that it wasn't just her imagination.

And it wasn't.

The boy was there on the bench, clad in a white t-shirt and strumming his guitar. A grin broke out on her face. She leaned against the rough trunk, closing her eyes, letting his light, lilting music wash over her like a soft wave.

God, she had missed this, she had missed him. It felt absolutely wonderful to be able to hear him again.

Though, she would never know why he had been missing for four days, but it was okay, he was here now, filling her ears with his songs. She didn't know that when he was sick, he had longed for somebody to be by his side and care for him, but it was okay. He didn't know how happy a girl was to be able to listen to him sing that day, but it was okay, he would know, eventually.

He got up and left, but not before looking around once more, but as always, he didn't see anybody. He could have swore he felt something-- a pair of piercing eyes-- on him.

If only he had looked behind a special tree, he would have seen a girl with eyes of his favourite colour and lips as red as a rose pulled into a smile.

If only.

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