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Dedicated to @whenharoldfrowns because she was the first to vote and comment on Spring, and she is the positively the awesomest person ever! I love you and thank you so much! x

Hope you guys like this! I think it's rather cute :)


Today, she sneezed.

It wasn't supposed to happen, she was listening to him sing behind the tree when suddenly her nose begun to itch. Then, she sneezed. And no, it wasn't a little delicate, lady-sneeze, but a huge one, like the trumpeting of an elephant.


The boy must have heard it, because he stopped playing his guitar. He stood up, turned around, cocking his head to the side, eyes fixated on the tree she was hiding behind.

"Hello?" He had asked. "Is anybody there?"

She didn't reply him, but clamped her hands over her mouth, terrified that he would come over to look behind the tree, a barrage curse words running through her pretty little head.

The boy's forehead crinkled slightly in concern. "Are you okay? That was a loud sneeze... Do you need a tissue?"

Again, she didn't reply, but a smile tugged at her lips at his adorable offer.

At the end, the boy simply picked up his guitar and continued to strum the strings. He didn't look behind the tree. She didn't know why, but it was okay. She also didn't know the simple reason he chose not to go behind the tree to investigate, or the fact that he had found her sneezing cute, but it was okay.

He didn't know when he had spoken those slightly unsure but sincere words, the way her heart had soared and how a pleasant, tingly feeling had run through her body, from the tips of her toes to her fingertips, but it was okay.

He got up and left, but not before glancing back at the tree again, green eyes bright and alive like the heart-shaped leaves adorning the branches. Then, he grinned.

She had sneezed again.

SpringOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant