chapter two

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the fanfiction

chapter two

Only the closest of their peers truly knew what happened between the two british boys. After the breakup, things between Dan and Phil were tense. Neither of them uploaded a video for nearly two months - their audience assuming they were busy with youtube conventions but they didn't know the half of what happened behind closed doors.

Phil was scared. Dan knew that. Dan knew that all too well. Phil had always been the type of person to keep himself to himself, but ever since knowing Dan he had come out of his shell. Embracing his inner bisexuality in front of the brown haired boy was no issue, it was just the millions of their viewers.

"Phil, I think it's time."

"Dan I'm not ready."

"I'm stuck of being in the closet again. I want us to be together. I want people to know; I love you."

"But I'm not ready."

"Well, when will you be?"

"...I don't know"

The fanfiction ➳ Dan and PhilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora