chapter five

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the fanfiction

chapter five

"PHILIP MICHAEL LESTER." Dan's voice screeching from the kitchen as he clutched the empty box of cereal in his hands. He pursed his lips as he stormed over to the entrance of his flat mates room, the door closed - not that he cared as he twisted the door knob and pushed the door open.

Dan saw his flat mate sat cross legged on the bed, leaning over his laptop. He turned his head towards the slightly taller boy.


"You ate my cereal."

"Oh, that."

"My honey cheerios? REALLY?"

"I was hungry." Phil answered.

"Fucking hell, you're the one going down to the shop."

"Oh okay sure." He closed the lid of his laptop and hoisted himself up off the bed.

"Why does my flat mate have to be the one with a cereal addiction?"

"You love me really, Danny."

Truthfully, he did.

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