Things You Fight About

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Darry: You tell him to quit working so hard and maybe spend some time with you but he can't. He gets mad sometimes when you say these things to him.
They are usually light and short. Kind of sad.

Two-Bit: He wants you to take him a little more serious and you want him to try and graduate high school already. You hate when he steals stuff randomly while you two are on dates.

"Two-Bit, what are you doing?" You ask as he sneakily places some snacks inside his pockets.

"Just sneaking in some snacks," he cheered. You roll your eyes a bit frustrated.

"We already bought popcorn!" You whined and he sighed as he would place the candy back. You smiled and he remains a bit resentful he didn't get his way. He sucks it up once you give a nice kiss.
Fights with Two-Bit are kind of normal and casual, but super short.

Dally: You guys argue over many things, his smoking, his rumbles, and most of all when he gets pulled in. You cry sometimes, maybe even feel vulnerable, but Johnny keeps reminding you not to cheat. You wonder if it's all worth it but before you could make it out the door Dallas Winston would make you fall in love all over again.
You both can fight very heavily about things but still try to ignore the things they can't change. But you two can't ignore them for long because of how much you two care.

Steve: You guys don't generally fight. But his drag races scare the crap out of you and make you feel frightened when you pretend to like riding with him. Some days you really just can't take his driving and scream at him for acting like a swollen headed idiot. He yells at you back, asking you why you even bother riding anyway. But you both make up somehow because he has to drive you back home, and you both can't stand not talking to each other, you both are like best friends.
Your fights are heavy and rare.

Soda: You both fight about the girls that are always swarming over Soda and how it makes you feel insecure. And he would get annoyed at how clingy you could be. He still, however, loves you and you stand up for each other almost like siblings, and can stand each others quirks.
Your fights are heavy sometimes and lights in some occasions.

Johnny: Whenever you do end up fighting with Johnny, it is never his fault, but yours. Even Johnny has a breaking point, and he doesn't like getting told his mom is a scornful woman or that his dad sucks to his face. They were still his parents. And he in a way has to love them. But he forgives you as always and you feel terrible. And he would sweetly kiss your cheek in an act of forgiveness.
You rarely fight. Rarely.

Ponyboy: Ponyboy and you fight over things like books and why the character sucked or was awesome. You both sound nerdy when you fight, making Two-Bit laugh hard. But otherwise it's hard to argue with Ponyboy because you support each other greatly.
Casual light fights with Ponyboy.

Check out my new story Remember Me thx for the reads!

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