k u r t

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Favorite quote of this chapter:

"You know, Amadia, in supernaturals, although they are sometimes scary and menacing, there is some love to be found, and you helped me to find mine." - Benedict Yamoto


"OUCH!" Amadia screamed as the soccer ball bounced hard against the top of her head. She felt her skull shake as the soccer ball hit it and bounced against the fence close to her. Amadia fell down from the impact. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay, Maddy?" Vialette asked, helping Amadia up from the ground. Amadia held the top of her sore head in her right hand, and held Vialette's extended hand with her left. "I...I think I might need to go to the nurse's office," Amadia announced. "Oh my gosh, who threw that? I'll kill them!" Samina yelled over the fence. "Oh my...I am so sorry, cupcake, I didn't see the fence there," a boy said, jogging up to the fence the same way that Niran did. Amadia looked up, seeing the boy flip his dark, so-black-it's-almost-blue hair out of his dark brown eyes. "I'm sorry, cupcake," the boy repeated, grabbing one of the fence's rings and hoisting himself over the fence and into the Marina Academy. "Hey, you'll get in trouble, Ben!" Niran said, grabbing the boy by his yellow t-shirt. "Hey, let me go!" Ben said, yanking his shirt out of Niran's hand and climbing down into Marina. "Once again, I'm so sorry," Ben said, picking up his soccer ball after examining Amadia with his eyes. "Whoa," Ben said, watching Amadia stand up with the help of Vialette and Samina while Malorie smiled dreamily at her boyfriend. "What...is it bad?" Amadia asked Ben. He nodded. "Yeah, it's bad, alright...but not so bad that you'll see it from a mile away." Ben said, checking Amadia out. "I'm Benedict Yamoto, the not-so-typical Asian who sucks at getting good grades at Kurt Academy, cupcake. But, you can call me 'Ben'." Ben said. Amadia nodded, wincing after she leaned against a hard wall to regain her balance.

Ben climbed back over the fence before the school cameras got him, and Amadia smiled. "Finally, another Asian!" Amadia said. Malorie nodded. The girls had been flirting with Kurt boys all the time at lunch, and Amadia hadn't seen another Asian student in Marina or Kurt until she saw Benedict. "Hey, cupcake, what are you staring at me for?" Ben asked her, noticing her loving stare. "Um, nothing..." Amadia spoke up, looking away. Just like Niran when Amadia first saw him, Ben looked really different up close, with his normally black and shiny hair appearing to be dirty gray hair because of all the dust. "Are you supposed to be...a...ghost?" Amadia guessed, seeing his hands fade and appear in the sun and in the shade. "No, I'm a grim reaper. But, I am half ghost, too. My mom is a ghost, and my dad's a reaper. So basically, that makes my life more interesting." Ben explained. "Wait, but aren't reapers only supposed to come if there's death around?" Amadia asked, tilting her head. "Yeah, but remember I said that I'm half ghost, too? That means I can see people without clarifying that someone died, cupcake." Ben said. "Hey, Maddy, I have an idea!" Malorie spoke up, turning around from her boyfriend to talk to Amadia. "What?" Amadia walked closer to her friend to listen clearly. "We should go on a double date! Me and Ronny, you and Ben! How about it, Mads?" Malorie suggested. Amadia's eyes grew large. But, I just met him! Amadia thought, looking back at Ben. He fluttered his long boy lashes at her. Amadia turned back around to Malorie. "Um, okay then, I just need to tell my mom." Amadia said. Malorie squealed with excitement and hugged Niran from between the fence. Ben quickly climbed over the fence again after dropping his soccer ball on the side, stepping closer to Amadia and kissing her on the cheek. Amadia blushed.

Just like Amadia had promised, she met up with Malorie and Niran back at the school after she had talked with her mother. "So Amadia!" Malorie said as soon as she saw Amadia walking towards them. "What?" Amadia responded, shaking her hair out of a ponytail she had previously tied. "Where's Ben? You were supposed to pick him up." Malorie said, frowning. Amadia nodded. "Don't worry, he followed me here." Amadia replied, gesturing to Ben, who was tagging along behind her. Ben waved shyly, coming up from behind Amadia and hooking an arm around her shoulders. Amadia blushed a deep red. "Yeah, we're ready for the double date. Where are we going this time?" Ben asked, pulling Amadia closer. "This time?" Amadia said. Ben nodded. "Oh, we're going to the bistro inside of Kurt Academy. Remember we went there as another double date with Maisy?" Niran spoke up, smirking. "Who is Maisy?" Amadia frowned at Ben. "No one, okay, cupcake?" Ben shook his head and glared at Niran. He laughed. Ben snarled. "Okay, guys, no fighting. This is Amadia's first double date, so we're going to make this worth it." Malorie said, leading her three friends towards the large double doors which were the entrances to the boys' academy. "Hey, are we even allowed to go into Kurt?" Amadia said, staring at the large metal doors. "Yeah. But, girls aren't allowed during school hours, and it is after school right now." Malorie pointed out. The two boys agreed. "Let's go in." Niran held one of the metal doors open, letting his girlfriend and Amadia and Ben in before he stepped inside. Malorie pulled out a map of the academy and started walking north to the academy's student cafe. "So this is the bistro?" Amadia looked around at the diner-style cafe only for students at the academy. "Yeah...it's really cool. Ronny and I go all the time." Malorie said, hugging her boyfriend tightly. Amadia nodded, feeling Ben's hands touch her waist. Ben led her to a diner booth along with Malorie and Niran, and they all settled into the blue cushions. 

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