s u p e r n a t u r a l

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Favorite quote of this chapter:

"I can't endanger anyone but myself with this matter, okay?" - Malorie Tomson


"I think I know how we can do this," Vialette said, crossing her legs. "What, what?" Amadia leaned forward in anticipation. "Well, before I can tell both of you, you need to get out of my room like two creepers." Vialette walked over to her window and opened it. "Alright, alright," Niran sighed, stepping out of the window after waving goodbye. Amadia followed, waving back. "Good night, guys," Vialette said, closing the window after them. She sighed, turning around to face her bed. "I've had enough of talk about Malorie," Vialette sighed again. "Why won't they ever talk about me?" Vialette said sadly, sitting on the edge of her bed and slowly falling asleep. All of a sudden, Vialette's window blasted open. "WHAT?" Vialette screamed, wide awake. "Shh! Sorry, it's just me, Amadia!" Amadia whispered, apologizing for the sound. Vialette panted, calming down. "Next time, can you please knock on the window?" Vialette sighed for the third time that evening. "So why did you even come back? What do you have to tell me?" Vialette asked Amadia, watching her sit on the edge of the black mattress. "I--I need to tell you something about me and Benedict," Amadia whispered. "Why are you whispering? It's just me and you in this room." Vialette pointed out. Amadia nodded. "Oh, right. Anyway, remember how Ben is a combination of a grim reaper and a ghost?" Amadia asked. Vialette nodded. "So, my mom said that a banshee and a ghost are a good pair, so...how do you think Malorie set us up, knowing that we are a perfect couple?" Amadia asked. Vialette's eyes grew big. "Oh my gosh, you're right," Vialette tapped her bottom lip thoughtfully. "Well, that's something we'll have to think about tomorrow, Maddy." Vialette sighed, yawning and falling back onto her soft pillow. 

Amadia nodded, walking back to the windowsill. "Good night then," she whispered. Vialette groggily waved, almost overcome with sleep. As Amadia stepped outside of the window, Vialette started to snore. Amadia smiled to herself. Vialette understands me, she thought. Amadia walked back to her house and into her room with a bright smile on her face. These first few days of school are working out for me. Amadia yawned and climbed into her bed. The night passed, and Amadia woke up feeling ready for the next day of Marina Academy. "Amadia, time to go to school!" Ms. Kan shouted from the master bedroom. "Yeah, I know!" Amadia yelled back, hurrying to get in the bathroom and wash up for the morning. In a few minutes, she had miraculously finished washing up and changing into her school clothes. Ms. Kan met her downstairs in the kitchen holding two slices of toast. "Thanks Mom!" Amadia said, grabbing one of the slices with her mouth and grabbing her backpack as she ran outside the door. Her mom waved goodbye as Amadia raced to catch the bus. She dove in the bus and landed on the floor. "Oh, sweetie, are you okay?" the bus driver asked Amadia, looking down at her on the floor. Amadia picked herself up, panting from all of the running. "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." Amadia stood up. Everyone on the bus was staring at her, wondering why she was on the floor and why she had to run to be able to get on the bus. "Next time, can you please walk to the bus stop? You might hurt yourself if you don't." The bus driver instructed, turning back to the driver wheel and starting up the bus's engine. Amadia nodded and settled into an empty seat in the bus. After a few more stops, Amadia saw the Mafia girls climb on with their designer boots lightly tapping the bus floor on their way to Amadia's seat along with the empty ones around hers. "Hey, Maddy!" Vialette said, plopping her bottom down on the vacant seat next to her. "Hey, Via," Amadia said, staring outside of the bus window after she gave Vialette a hug. "You ready for the next day of school?" Vialette asked Amadia. Amadia shrugged. "Yeah, I guess," Amadia mumbled, staring off into space. Malorie and Samina sat down around the alpha's seat, wanting to get in the conversation. 

"Malorie, I thought you were going to ride with Niran today?" Vialette said, a trace of fear in her voice. Malorie laughed. "Niran and I broke up," She said, laughing again. Vialette, Samina, and Amadia turned around and gaped at her. "Then why are you laughing?" Samina asked. Malorie laughed harder and harder. "Tell us why you're laughing, Malorie." Vialette ordered. Malorie wiped tears from her eyes as she calmed down. "It's...(laugh)...so funny....(snort). He...(giggle)wanted to 'be safe'? (laugh) From what?" Malorie asked, clueless. Vialette and Amadia looked at each other knowingly. Amadia shrugged. Vialette did the same, then they turned back to Malorie. "You see, Mal, you...you tend to have a werewolf side that just keeps on showing, okay? And one day, your werewolf side overcame you." Vialette explained. Malorie was taken aback. "That happened to me?" she said, shocked. Vialette nodded. "Oh, I can't live with that," Malorie said, fear building up inside her as she thought of what could happen to her and her friends. "Hey, stop the bus!" Malorie screamed, standing up out of her seat and running to the front of the bus. "What are you doing?" Vialette yelled, stopping her before she did anything else. "I'm going to leave. I can't endanger anyone but myself with this matter, okay? Thanks for telling me, but I just can't." Malorie jumped out of the bus as its doors opened. The bus driver's mouth gaped open as Malorie turned into a werewolf right before her eyes. "MALORIE!" Amadia screamed, jumping out of the bus and running after her. Vialette followed, screaming Malorie's name and taking off her shoes so she could run faster. Malorie roared and turned around, seeing her two friends chasing her. "We need to get to her before she gets too far!" Vialette yelled to Amadia. "Uh, I think she already has!" Amadia shouted, picking up her speed and transforming into a banshee. "Come on, let's go!" Vialette screamed, transforming into a bat and flying high above Amadia. Amadia and Vialette ran and flew towards Malorie, and they were gaining on her. "Malorie! Please, please think of yourself!" Vialette yelled from above, trying to get Malorie's human self back. Malorie the Werewolf growled and stopped running. Amadia sighed. Vialette slowed down and dropped to the ground. "Malorie?" Amadia hoped she was her human self again. Instead, Malorie the Werewolf turned around and snarled, baring her fangs and showing her claws. "Oh no," Vialette grumbled, watching her friend's eyes turn red. "Via! Why are her eyes glowing red?" Amadia shouted to the tiny bat flying behind her.

"She's turning into a full-on werewolf! We've got to start running, or else she'll be the one who gets us!" Vialette flew to the skies again and beckoned for Amadia to follow her. Amadia shook her head. "When will this end?" she said to herself. On cue, Malorie stopped running towards them. Her eyes stopped glowing red, and she shrank back to her human self. "Mal? Are you back to normal?" Vialette said, turning back to her own human self. "Is she...less ferocious now?" Amadia said, stepping towards her friend. "Guys?" Malorie turned her head towards Vialette and Amadia. Vialette leaned closer to her. All of a sudden, Malorie's eyes turned a fiery red again, and this time there were flames , real flames devouring Malorie's arms, legs, and head. Vialette shrieked and jumped backwards. Amadia let out a piercing banshee scream that rattled Vialette's head. Amadia watched Malorie as she screamed in terror, and Malorie's fire died, just like herself. "Malorie!" Vialette screamed, catching her as she fell back. "Via?" Amadia said, walking slowly towards her two friends. "She..." Vialette started to say. "She's dead."

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