Sexual Robot Your Made Of (Joe)

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"Guys are you sure we should go in this area boss said we couldnt go in here no matter what" Joe said as Andy looked at him. "Come on lighten up Joe we're just tryna have fun in here besides i heard there lives a sexy robot in here" Pete said as Joe blushed hot pink. Patrick got the key card and put it up the pannel as the big door opened revealing the monsters and secret robotics in the area. "Woah dude this is cool" Pete said as he looked around. "Guys come quick i found the sexy robot" Patrick quietly shouted. Pete Joe and Andy ran to Patrick.

Your back story:
You were the sexy robot. The infamous cereal killer in your town broke into your home and cut off your head leaving your body left to rot. Later that night your mother came to find you on the floor with your head cut off she sent you to were she worked in the CIA. She put your head on a sexual robots body. To this day people fear of coming to see you in Area 51.

"Oh my god" Joe said as he looked at you in the case. Just then you broke the glass busting out of the container. "AHHH RUN" Pete shouted as they all ran but Joe's wrist was captured in your hand. You lifted Joe up by his shirt of his suit as he shivered and begged you not to hurt him. Just then you felt something as you look beside you and see Joe's boner getting bigger. "Please dont hurt me" Joe begged as you unzipped his pants there having his member fling out of his pants like he was waiting to be set free. You grabbed it putting it in your mouth as he bobbed his head and moaned. "What are you doing?" He asked as you ignored and sucked on it while he grinded his teeth. "Oh god please dont hurt me" Joe said again as you sucked faster till having cum absorbed in your mouth. You pulled it out of your mouth as you pumped his dick and looked at him. You dropped him as he tried to crawl for safety as you jumped in the air and landed your pussy onto Joe's mouth as he held your waist and licked it. You bobbed your head and moaned. "Oh god im cumming im cumming hurry" you begged as he licked faster to cum sprayed all over his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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