Chapter 28: Hair Dye and Jalapeños
(a/n) I couldn't resist, okay? XD Calum was so happy about the tour dog that I just had to include him! Besides, who can resist that cute, little face? I'm talking about the puppy, btw, not Calum, even though he is super cute. I decided to combine Marnie and RJ into one dog, okay, so don't judge me. Now read on, my lovelies, and stay beautiful! (I don't say that as much as I should)
P.S. I'm officially a year clean yesterday! :D I'm so proud of myself, mostly because I'm happy with who I am. I don't ever want to change, and if people don't like me, that's not my problem. If you guys ever need help or just want to talk to someone, know that I'm here for you. I did it, I'm happy, and I promise that it gets better. :)
P.P.S. Happy birthday to the one and only Michael Clifford! :D He inspired me to not care about what other people think and just live for me, so I owe him my life. He also kind of turned me punk rock. XD Love ya, babe. ;) AND HE DYED HIS HAIR RED LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO. I MADE A BET THAT HE WOULD AND IF I LOST I HAD TO DYE MY HAIR RED. IM SO FLIPPING HAPPY RN!!! :DDDD
Sorry for my super long author's note; you may continue!
I was reminded why I hated camping when I woke up the next morning. The morning dew had made my hair wet and tangly, and several mosquitoes had decided to snack on me during the night. I sat up and groaned at the pain in my back, and I stretched widely. I hoped that I wouldn't have to do this again, but the odds didn't seem to be in my favor.
I looked around and noticed that everyone else was still sleeping. Michael was splayed out near the dead fire, raspy snores coming out of his gaping mouth. Ashton was curled up next to Calum, and I bit down on a smile when I noticed that he had an arm slung over the bassist's waist. Luke was sleeping near Allison, but they weren't touching. He was snoring softly while she kept squirming on the cold, hard ground. I was going to get heck from her when she woke up.
I stretched again and yawned. I dug around in the garbage bag full of food before withdrawing a bottle of water and a protein bar. I twisted off the cap, peeled off the wrapper, and enjoyed both. It was at that moment that I realized something--or rather, someone--was missing.
"RJ?" I called, getting to my feet. "RJ, where are you?"
I walked around our small encampment, looking for the little dog. I couldn't find him anywhere. I gnawed on my bottom lip nervously. What if the others woke up and blamed his disappearance on me? They would never forgive me! But they should know better; stray dogs were meant to wander. We never should've thought that RJ would stay with us forever.
I sighed in disappointment and plopped down on the ground. How was I going to break the news to them? Calum and Luke would probably take it the hardest. The lead singer had formed a bond with the puppy in such a short time, and the bassist seemed to have an adoration for him that clearly hadn't been reciprocated. I couldn't bear to see their heartbroken faces when I told them!
"RJ!" I called once again. "Come on out, boy! Come on!"
He didn't reappear, but my loud voice woke up some of the others. Allison shifted a bit before waking up fully, moaning as she rolled over onto her stomach. Ashton blinked his eyes open, and he wrinkled his nose when he saw how close he was to Calum. He jerked his arm back and sat up quickly.
"What's up, Reese?" he asked through a yawn.
"Um...." I said uncertainly. "I-I can't, uh...."
"You can't what?" Allison asked, raking her fingers through her flat hair.
"I can't find the puppy," I mumbled quietly.
"I can't find RJ," I said more loudly. "He's not here anymore."

I (Accidentally) Kidnapped 5SOS
FanfictionTrust me, it was an accident. I don't even like 5SOS! How was I supposed to know that my best friend was a crazed fanatic about them? How was I supposed to know that I had the best ninja and driving skills as a partner in crime? All I know is that i...