Part 13 *EDITED*

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I admit it; he shook me up. "How...what..." I sputtered to regain my thoughts, but in the end, I panicked. After a few minutes, I pulled myself together and let Poe out. I go to the bathroom I used and picked up the scissors. "Damn, I really liked this long hair," I took a chunk of my long hair and leveled it at my chin. Then, resolutely, I cut it off. Soon my hair was chin length, making my blue eyes even darker and larger. Poe croaks judgmentally. I looked up at him and his eyes looked at me as though I was the idiot.

"I have to. He knows...something." I say, not looking at my bird. I feel my shoulders sag as I realize what I would have to do. "I can't kill him. He doesn't deserve it."

Poe cocked his head at me.

"Don't look at me like that," I say defensively. "He's the one that figured something out. I didn't leave anything behind that could have given me away..."

Instead, I glance at the card he had shoved into my hand the night before. I chew my lip, then dial the number.

"Meyers." Even his voice pissed me off but I held my tongue and softly spoke.

"'s Josie."


"I want to tell you something." I take a breath. "I'm the Dark Lover." Even the words were shaky, and I knew I was losing my resolve.

For a few heartbeats, he doesn't say anything. Then, "I'm on my way." with a click he was gone.

"Poe, why am I doing this?" I ask him.

Poe just stares at me.

"Right...he already knows, might as well give myself up," I mutter, taking my necklace off.

I'm outside waiting a few minutes later. I had already released Poe, telling him to be careful. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I am walking through the woods and I am crying. My tears coat my cheeks and my clothes are torn. My father did it again. I arrive at a spring and I sit next to the water, watching the trees. I'm always ready for things. Or, at least, I used to think I was. Now, I'm not so sure.

I jump as I hear a rustle and I cautiously walk towards the sound. "Hello?" I  crept closer, my hands nervously pushing at the bushes.

From the bushes comes a small croak and I bite my lip. I finally push the rest of the foliage away and feel my breath catch. In a nest is a baby raven. Probably only a couple weeks old. "Awe, poor thing." I take my jacket off and wrap the bird in it. "What happened?"

I got no answer, which makes sense. "You remind me of Edgar Allen Poe....that's it! I'll name you Poe." 

I was fifteen, and I had no idea how bad it was going to get.

I pulled myself out of the memory as Carter pulled up. He held handcuffs. I shake my head. "You don't need them," I say, sliding into the backseat. He looks at me for a second, hesitates as though he's going to push the issue, then shuts his mouth, evidently deciding it'd be best not to push his luck. After all, I'm coming willingly.

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