Part 19 *Edited*

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                 I glance up at the full moon and I bite my lip. I pull myself up and hide behind a wide tree, listening for his footsteps or breathing or voice or something.

                 "Josie...." He sings out, looking for me, randomly jumping around trees, trying to catch me unaware.

                 I stifle a cry and silently creep through the trees. Poe is flying around my head, watching out for me. 

                 "Come out, come out," his voice is rough, scary, almost deranged. "I just want my pretty girl." I hear a whack and keep moving, stifling my cries. 

                 I continue moving towards the lake. I know if I can get in the dark water, he won't find me, or, at least, that's the hope.

                 "Josie? Where are you going?" Suddenly his voice is normal, and he sounds like himself. I can feel my heart pounding so hard, I fear it will go through my chest.

                 I do not say anything.

                 "Josie! Come on, now." He's getting angry. I still don't reveal myself as I move closer to the lake. I hate to do this, but I have to. I strip off my nightshirt and hid it in a tree trunk.

                  Then I step in. I swim up to my ears, then take a deep breath and go under. I open my eyes and I watch his silhouette outlined against the water. I know he doesn't see me...maybe my clothes if he's smart enough to look, but not me.

                  It feels like hours before he finally walks away. I still wait another few minutes before I surface. I pull myself out of the lake, dripping, and collect my clothes, coughing all the way back to my house.

                  When I get back to the mansion, I find a scribbled note taped to my door. My heart is in my throat as I read it. Whether it's the note or the cold, I'm shivering as I pull it off. 


                   This is not over. Understand, I will have you.


Tell me a Beautiful Lie (UNDER EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن