Part 14 *EDITED*

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I sit in a cell. It's is cold and dark, and I know there are rats.; I can hear them scuttling above me in the ceiling and in the walls. Which aren't very good at keeping in the heat anyway; my hands are ice cold. They aren't my largest problems. I have given myself up, and now I will rot for my crimes. It must be dinner time because Carter comes over with food. Or... some semblance of food.

"Here. Eat." He shoves it through the slot at me and I catch it, if only barely in time.

"I'm not hungry." I can't meet his eyes. Meeting his eyes meant admitting he was right; I couldn't do that. 

"You have to keep your strength up." His tone was monotonous, as though he's reading from a script, and at this, I raise my head.

I just shake my head. "I'm not worthy to live." Is that by your judgment or others?

"Why did you kill them?" he is crouched next to me on the other side of the bars. I say nothing. After all, I came here on my own. Why can't he leave me alone?

"Like I told you. They reminded me of my father." I ground this out through my clenched teeth and my nails dig into my palms.

"The father that raped you?" Now, he has some inflection; the tone is meant to inflict pain, I see, as the words sting.

I flinch away from him and turn my head so I can't see him anymore.

"You are not a monster," he says, standing. "You are just hurt."

I force myself to meet his eyes. "Really?" I stand, still not meeting his eyes. "I've murdered numerous people; countless people!"

Through the chunk of hair covering the left side of my face; I meet his eyes as I slowly lift my face.

"You are what he made you. You can change it." then he left. It was twenty minutes later when I realized he had left my cell unlocked.

"Dumbass," I muttered, as I slip out of the cell.

Tell me a Beautiful Lie (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now