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They say that the worst betrayal is one that is of family and love, I never really wondered why but I figured out that a family trust was one that was bonded by blood, it was the structure of love, once that bond has been broken then the blood has been poisoned, the love has been shattered and the unity has dispersed. My biggest betrayal was falling for the enemy but it wasn't intentional, it was one guides by love.

What do you do when the one you have fallen is responsible for the death of your father, what do you do when the one you have fallen for is the reason for yours fears and nightmares. What if the one you loved was the reason you were dying inside. Well luckily that's not the case because it wasn't the one I had fallen for it was; his father.

As I mended the heart of the enemy, I ended up breaking my own. As the pieces shattered we put them back together because even if he wasn't perfect he was my missing puzzle piece, and without him, I was incomplete.

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