A Border Between Two

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December 14, 2016

Known popularly as the International Border (IB) near the Line of control (LOC) it separates the two rival nations India and Pakistan. That place is described one of the dangerous borders in the world patrolled and guarded by soldiers of both the nations on either side. There is a huge double fence separating both the countries all over the desert area around and no one from either of the countries has guts to cross it illegally..well, except a few notorious.

Rakesh Kumar, the most reputed & top journalist of India's leading news channel The Focus arrives at the Indian Military Base, Kajanpur.

"He's the most daring & dashing journalist I've ever seen. He busted the illegal activities of many white collared politicians, businessmen brilliantly."

says an officer to his colleague as Rakesh gets down from the government vehicle that picked him up from the railway station to the base.

"I've heard of him too. My daughter is a big fan of him. It's great that achieve such accomplishments at such a young age. He seems to be afraid of nothing."

the colleague replied. They suddenly heard their commanding officer join their conversation.

"He's indeed brave. That's the thing about blood. He's none other than our Suresh Sir's only son. The patriotism, the versatility, its all in the genes.
He's here to cover the situation at this border camp base. Let's welcome him. Make sure that he's comfortable with everything he wants. Now let's go and welcome the hero."

Both the officers were happy and surprised that Rakesh was the son of Suresh, a very good military officer who was once posted at Kajanpur.

They welcomed Rakesh with a great hospitality, provided him a vehicle, the two officers; Kamal Singh and Vinay Sharma (who talked about him) as security for him by the commanding officer of the base, Mr. Kiran Kumar.

"Welcome to Kajanpur Mr Rakesh. I'm Kamal Singh and this is Vinay Sharma. We're appointed to make sure you're secure. Hope you have a safe and good coverage. "

said Kamal, walking him to the dormitory allotted to him.
Rakesh smiled to them in gratitude and as they reached, they placed his luggage and started to leave after Vinay said

"I worked with your dad for 3 years. He was a great person. You're not less than him. You made him proud. Its a pleasure assisting you, Sir.
Feel free to ask anything."

Rakesh thanked them and said

"Thank you, but I did nothing supernatural. I did my duties sincerely just like how my dad did his."

To that, Rakesh's assistant John told them about the schedule

"Rakesh Sir is always like that. By the way there's a schedule to be covered today at the LOC."

and to that

"That's so modest of you Mr Rakesh. Please be ready by 4pm, we'll arrange the vehicle"

replied Vinay and they left.

Later in the evening the officers brought a gypsy & they all left to the LOC.

On the way, Rakesh's phone started ringing.

"Siss xD "

the caller name read. He immediately lifted it & a sweet voice spoke

"You know what...today's the happiest day of my life!! I'm so happy that I wanted to share it first with you."

"What's up Tanya? Is it about Nadeem ?"

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