Love...In The Air

21 1 0

December 14th, 2012

A conference is being held at The TAJ, Mumbai by one of the petroleum products company to discuss their collaboration deals with an Iraqi based oil company from the city Al Diwaniyah.

Nadeem Khan, who is the only son of the founder cum chairperson of that company Tasleem Khan is also the CEO and the sole heir to all the property of his father.

Nadeem comes to Mumbai along with his assistant Kabir and attends the conference, representing his company.

Kabir and Nadeem were friends since their college days. After his  graduation Kabir was appointed as Nadeem's personal and official assistant while Nadeem was made the CEO of his father's companies. Kabir has been trustworthy to their family all the time which made them give such responsibilities to him.

Kabir, himself is a very sincere, decent and calm youngster unlike Nadeem who is fun loving. Tasleem made him his son's PA for the same reasons.
He thinks that Kabir can take good care of Nadeem and be a perfect advisory to him in the business; as well as keeping him in control whenever he loses his mind and does random mischief for fun.

The Indian company agrees for a good deal and they decide to collaborate with each other.
After the meeting, he heads back to the airport and gets stuck in a traffic jam.

He gets irritated by the worst traffic of Mumbai and suddenly he starts hearing some music playing from outside on loud speakers.

"Kabir, they gotta be kidding me. What's this music in the traffic crap?"

He complains and opens the roof door of the car and looks outside through it. He learns that the jam is caused because of a bunch of college students doing a flash mob. They dance to several mash - ups of the top albums on the charts and he finds it amazing. He removes his blazer, jumps out of the car and joins them.

"Sir, We got a flight to catch!  Please get back into the car..."

Kabir tries to stop him

"You're here for a business meet, not a freaking SUNBURN!"

Kabir shouts adding to it as Nadeem leaves.

Nadeem doesn't give any attention to that. He starts dancing along with the mob happily in joy.
After sometime suddenly there's an interruption. The cops show up and and arrest all of them, take them to the police station.

They begin filing nuisance cases  against all of them.
Nadeem just finds it funny. He never had such experience before. He smiles to himself thinking in his mind that it's the first time he gets arrested, that too for dancing.

"Did we dance so bad that the Indian cops got offended and they had to arrest me?"

He jokes to himself. Then he hears a female voice from his left ;

"You insane? They're gonna lock us up and you're joking..! Who are you by the way? I've never seen you before in the college."

a girl standing beside him, who was also in the mob says.

The police make all of them stand in a line and start asking, noting down everyone's name and other details one after the other.

As he turns to his side to look at the girl who spoke to him, her turn comes and she starts telling  her details to the inspector with a sweet tone of voice

"Tanya K, 21/C, Street - 6 , Navi Mumbai"

Nadeem just keeps staring at her beautiful eyes, lips, her hair and all. He goes in to a deep filmy type of trance in a world with only him and her...

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