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it was a monday at 7:34 he walked into the coffee shop, the same one he had walked in everyday. Like a daily rountine, he walked up the register ordering the same drink everyday and a quite delicious breakfast snack. "hello what can I get you?" he briskly responded with "caramel latte and a croissant please", the normal order that he gave to the waiter or barista made him think of his time back in high school. Taking the French class with his best friend who was 2 years younger Luke Hemmings.

He heard the bell of the door chime in as a blonde haired blue eyed quiffed boy walked into the coffee shop, his eyes glanced upon ashton as he looked into his deep hazel eyes.
"hello what can I get you" "the same as him" "do you two know each other" "maybe" "okay fine name?" "luke" that was the moment ashton looked at the boy and realizing who he really was.

Caramel & Coffee Shops//IashtonWhere stories live. Discover now