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walking out of the coffee shop I felt a vibration in my back pocket "hello harry" "hey ash" "what do you need" "could you come babysit Darcy?!" "yeah mate sure what time should I come over at" "1:30" "okay mate have fun with Louis see you soon." you see Harry was Ashton's best friend. his best friend Harry was married to Louis and they had an adopted daughter named Darcy. Ashton often babysat Darcy because the little toddler loved him and Harry and Louis liked to have dates.

Ashton walked into his apartment sipping his caramel latte from starbucks as he sat down at his computer deciding to get a break from his work at the hospital. Ashton was a surgeon at Sydney grace hospital, he was teased a bit at work by his colleagues but he knew they loved him. He checked the clock on his computer and saw it was 10:30 and knew he had to leave for  Harry's at 1:00. He was thinking back to high school, when he had met his best friend Luke Hemmings, he knew Luke did well for himself because he could always see the sign for hood-Hemmings records.

His room mate Michael came in. "hey ash" "hi mikey" "cuddles" ashton knew that Michael just wanted to make sure he was Okay. ashton was asexual, if you don't know the definition it's when your not sexually attracted to anyone really. The whole world could revolve around sex and ashton wouldn't want anything to do with it. Michael often knew the older boy was sad or upset, even when ashton came to Michael in the middle of the night telling him that he was broken and to just have sex with him. Michael was smarter than that he just held the curly haired boy close and tried to convince him he was always okay.

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