Chapter 4 - Connect

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"Is it true about you and Mr. Shakur ?" Oprah asked Mercedes again

I could tell the question unsettle my wife as I watched her on TV in the prison lunch room. I couldn't believe Oprah would even ask her some shit like that. I feel like that's none of her damn business what goes on. This bitch just wanted reviews that's all.

"No it isn't" said Mercedes giving a nervous chuckle "Pac and I were friends and business partners my heart lies with Eazy but I will say Pac was a sweetheart though and me and everyone at Ruthless misses him he was a great asset to Ruthless and I truly believe that no one on this earth can replace Tupac Shakur."

I could tell that Mercedes still loved Pac just by how she smiled when she talked about him. I admit a nigga who is buried 6 feet under still got a way of making a nigga jealous. But just like her I missed Pac also. Things just haven't been the same at Ruthless since we lost him. His death was a blessing yet it was a loss because I don't have to worry about him trying to push up on Mercedes but then again Ruthless isn't making the same amount of paper we were when he was there. He brought us so much money but he was just hard headed, wild, and had no off button.

"So now with Eazy being behind bars what should the world expect from Ruthless?"

"Well there's a lot to expect Menajahtwa will be going on tour, Bonethugs just dropped a new album and Ice Cube has something coming out"

"Well Ruthless knows how to stay busy huh ? is there anything that you would like to say to all of Eazy's fans?"

"I just want to say that Eazy will be having a album dropping soon so look out for Impact Of A Legend dropping in a few months and Eric baby if your watching this I love you so much and I can't wait til you come home" she said blowing a kiss at the camera

"I love you to baby" I said blushing and cracking a smile  as I looked at her on TV.

"Yo aint that yo girl ?" said Toker taking a seat next to me.

Toker was a inmate that I met when I first got here. At first he was chillin with me just because of who I was. But after a while the nigga started growing on me. I usually don't fuck with Mexicans like that but he was coo regardless because if it wasn't for him I would of probably been in a lot more fights. But I could see he had my back through this whole situation.

"Yep " I said still looking at how fine my girl was in her dress

"Damn she fine yo" he said taking a seat next to me

"Thanks...She a handful though but she makes a nigga happy"

"I feel you bro my girl is the reason why I need to get outta here...I shouldn't be here I should be at home with her and my son"

"Hell yeah"

"Yo man so I heard some of the homies saying that you need a connect I can help you out with that"

"Word?" I said giving him my full attention

"Yeah I got a homie on the outside he don't sale shit but yay I told him about the deal you made with JB and he said he can hook you up"

"What's the catch ?"

"When you get outta here he wants you to sale for him"

" I'm only doing this shit until I get outta here I don't plan on making slangin a full time job" I said leaning back in the chair and crossing my arms. "When I get out I don't have to worry about slangin cuz I got money...I just can't get to it right now" I said shaking my head

"Well I guess you don't want his help"

"I do it's just why do I have to keep slangin when I get out"

"Cuz he knows you know some people with real paper who will buy his shit don't front Eazy I know you know all the dope fens in Hollywood"

"How much he talking?"

"A ounce"

"For how much?"

"$300 a bag"

"That's alot" I said sighing

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure JB and the judge won't mind paying it so what's it goin be homie?"

I hesitated for a minute. Not only would I have to go back to my slanging days but I would also have to keep this shit up once I get out. I did this music thing to get outta the dope game and for me being as successful as I am I could risk fucking up my image and being right back in this shit hole. But I had no choice at this point. It was either do it or spend the next 5 years of my life living in this piss infested place. As I looked around the lunchroom I could feel Toker's eyes burning a hole in the side of my face as he waited for my answer.

"So what's it going to be homie?" he asked again

"Alright...I'll do it"

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