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I wake up with a wave of sadness pouring over me. I immediately want to fall back asleep so I feel no emotions. I hear someone groan above me. I look up and see a tired Joe. His eyes flutter open like butterfly wings. He turns his head over to me. He gives me a warm smile.
" good morning" he says lowly from his morning voice.
" good morning" I mumble tiredly under my breath. The wave of sadness starts to get bigger, like a bigger wave. My lip quivers slightly. A tear threatens to escape my eye.
Do not cry Liberty, do not cry I repeat to myself. I feel warms hands drape across my waist. Joe Sits up, not taking his hands off my waist. He plops me in his lap. Joe then rests his chin on my shoulder and snuggles into my neck. His hands squeeze my waist.
" I will be here through this Lib, I know you're in pain. You don't have to hide it" Joe says while rocking me back and forth. I let out a big sigh. Tears sting my eyes. My whole body feels numb. All I want to do is crawl in my bed and cry all day.
" why Savannah?" I say breathily.
" I don't know baby, I don't know"
" She never deserved this. She never deserved any of this. She was my best friend. She helped me through everything. Everything... I want her back. I need her back" I say throwing my head back to look at the ceiling. Tears roll down my cheeks rapidly.
" why!" I scream loudly, " Why why why!" I cover my eyes with my hands. Joe takes my hands away from my face and puts it in his. 
" I'm going to get us breakfast love, stay here" Joe says kissing my knuckles. I nod in response. Joe then throws on a hoodie and opens the door. He walks out and a new figure pops in.
" Hi Caspian" I say looking up. I take a good look at him. His hair was a mangled mess going in all directions. His eyes were bloodshot red.
" I'm worried about you Lib, really worried" He says looking at me in the eyes. A tear trembles in his eye. I get out of bed and hug him tightly.
" I'm worried about me too" I say quietly. I hear Caspar huff above me. Tears stain his cheeks.
" I'm not doing well Casp. I miss her. She was everything to me" my voice shaking slightly. He nods while letting go of me.
" Let's go to the living area, everyone wants to see you" Caspar says pushing me forward. I nod and try to put on a big smile which is nearly impossible. I walk slowly into the room. I see everyone sitting on the couch, staring blankly. Everyone was emotionless.
" hey" I say louder than expected. Everyone snaps out of there gaze and all eyes land on me.
" I'm okay guys" I say trying to sound as truthful is possible.
" No your not" Zoë croaks while standing up. She signals me for a hug. I go over to her and hug her tightly. The hug lasts for a couple a seconds till she lets go.
" I'm going to use the bathroom" I say walking to the bathrooms. When I reach the bathroom, I slam the door shut and slide down the door. I sob, not caring who hears me. I stand up and look at myself in the mirror. Mascara and eyeshadow smear down my cheeks.
Negative thoughts fill my head. My breathing pace picks up. I lean on the edge of the sink and try to breathe. It feels as if my lungs are shrinking. Everything starts to spin. I squeeze my eyes shut. Everything goes blurry. I collapse to the ground in a huge heep. My breathing pace quickens even more.
My ears start to ring canceling out all noise. I try to scream but no noise comes out. I feel a gust of air come from the bathroom door opening. I look up slowly and see Joe with a worried look on his face. My breathing quickens even more. It feels like I'm going to faint. I then feel joes  arms wrap around my waist quickly and bring me out of the bathroom. Black spots form up into my eyes.
" Call 911! Quickly!" I hear Joe shout over the ringing. My eyelids droop. I get extremely tired.
" please stay with me liberty, please." Joe shouts. A tear of his splashes onto my face. My eyelids then gently close. All noises stop. All I see is blackness.

Dancing In The Stars / Joe Sugg FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora