Chapter 1

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I awoke from my sleep, in darkness. I don't know where I was, or what happened, that is until I heard the eerie sound of the zombies. It all came rushing back to me. I was at my house (In this story, I live in Florida like Cryaotic) And it was night, around nine. And it just... happened. My dad was away for the weekend, on a buisness trip. So I was stuck at home alone, and I could take care of myself, right? Wrong. It was Friday. My dad left the day before, he told me no parties, like I would? I know better than that. He told me he left money, if I need to buy any food or water.

Anyway, I was playing The Last Of Us, when I heard something sound like a clicker, but how? I was at the end of the game, there was none. Wait... Was it... Nah, it couldn't be. I looked outside. Zombies! I was freaking out. I tried pushing and pulling the dresser over the door, well that didn't work. I quickly turned on the news.

"This is an outrage of illness, dead corpses are reanimating back to life. We advise any and every person to stay inside at all means unless it is absoutley nessasary! The Health Department issued a warning in all of Florida, and to gather water and perishable food. AH!" The news women said before she was torn apart by the infected. I was in complete shock. What? How? I needed top barricade myself, quickly.

I went downstairs, and got a lot of ply wood, a hammer, and nails. I nailed down all the exits to the house. The front, back doors, and all the windows in the house, except the front, I needed a break first. I got a big, but old backpack of mine, and loaded it with two flashlights, extra batteries, a cleaver knife, a pistol (My dad likes to hunt), extra bullets, a giant first- aid kit, 7 bottles of water, a box of granola bars, a packet of chips, a packet of cookies, 2 bannanas, some rice cakes, an apple, another hammer, one book to read and one to write, a few pens, my phone, a picture of my friend and me, my family, some sweaters, a blanket, and 5 clean outfits, and an extra pair of shoes. Wow, dad was right, I could hold a lot of stuff in here.

Oh! I forgot my glasses and the money dad left me. I took it and put it in the smallest pocket. I put my bag by the steps. As I was about to hammer the window, a zombie came crashing in, tackling me, glass was everywhere, and the hammer fell from my grip. As I tried to hold back the zombie, I was trying to reach for the hammer that was just inches away. It was about to bite me when... I smashed it in it's head. {A/N: HAHAHA! You thought Cry was gonna come save the day, NOPE!} I scrambled to my feet, took the hammer, my backpack, and ran to the attic. I locked myself in there. You couldn't get in my attic, you need a ladder to do that, which I shoved into my dad's room. I went on my phone to talk to my dad. I needed to know if he was alright, he is the last thing I got, my friend wouldn't be able to survive, Aliesha couldn't even carry Sarah in the store at the beginning of The Last Of Us, on EASY! It rung two times before he picked up.

"Honey. You alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm locked in the attic, cause the house fled with the infected."
"Did you get bit? Are you wounded? What happened?"
"No, I'm alright, I got everything I need."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I am. But, are you?"
"No, I've been biten, I'm sorry honey, this is farewell."
"NO! DAD!"
"I'm just kidding with ya, hahaha..."
"Dad, don't do that to me, you got me scared!"
"Sorry, I'll speak to you tomorrow, okay?"
"You got a deal. I love you."
"Love you too."

I went to sleep, go thing I put Mr. Jason, my puppy doll up here. It was the last thing of my mother I had. Oh, and pillows, good thinking me! And dad said it was stupid. Pshhh...

And I went to sleep, just like that... Until I woke up...  

* Cryaotic

The zombie outbreak started out of nowhere, and it was getting bigger by the second. I wasn't gonna get trapped. I gathered food, water, a flashlight, a crowbar- don't ask, 3 clean outfits, a sweater, a tiny blanket, and a bag to put every thing in. Oh! Of course I took my mask, why wouldn't I? I wandered around for hours. I rested up in an abandoned house, around 6:oo. I got up around 8:30. I was running low on water, so I went through the house I was in, nothing. I went through others. I came across a house, zombies were here before, I could tell from the blood splatters. I saw it from the big, shattered window I was at. There was a zombie, that was killed, in the living room, someone must of been here. I stepped inside, avoiding the shards of glass. I stepped over the decayed corspe. A game was left on. The Last Of Us, hmm? I quietly walked over the house. I found water bottles. I took three, and a few granola bars.

I checked the house, up and downstairs. I heard a thud when I entered the bathroom to wash my face. It came from the attic. There was no rope, so I couldn't pull it down. So, there had to be a ladder. I checked the room next to the washroom. It was a bedroom, but a ladder was on the floor. I took it and made my way up into the attic. It was dark, but not so dark, I couldn't see. I saw a figrue, struggling. I crept closer, but being able to be quiet. Was it a zombie stuck up here? My hands started to shake as I gripped my crowbar, tightly. My breathing became shakey too. As I got closer, I saw it wasn't a zombie. Phew. It was a girl. It looked like a cabinet crushed her hand. I jumped in and lifted the cabinet off. She looked up, her black, crimped bangs falling over her left eye. Her eyes were a blueish gray, and full of shock. "Are you okay?" I asked. Her mouth just... hung open. "Cry?" She asked. I smiled, and let out a slight chuckle. A fan, awesome! "Sup." I said. The girl giggled. "I'm, Imposter Vanille. And no, not my real name, because you know... I just don't want you to know." She said, taking out a first- aid kit. Vanille bandaged her wound, and put a blanket, a pillow, and a doll into her bag and zipped it up. "So, what do we do?"

"I have no idea. I just play video games like this, not live them." I replied. We laughed a bit. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I live here..." Vanille's sentence trailed off. "Wait, so did you kill that zombie down stairs?" I asked. She nodded. "I had to, or I would of been torn to shreds, I've been here since." She gestured to the attic at the end of her sentence. "Why do you have that mask, do you always wear it out?" My friend asked. "Well, I just don't want people to see my face, just like you don't want people to know your real name." I stated. "Kay." Suddenly, she looked saddened. "What is wrong." I questioned. "The end, it's coming." She looked up. "The zombies are keep growing, so they take others. My friends, my family, everyone." She cried into my sweat shirt. "Everyone I love is going to die..." Vanille sobbed. "Shh... Don't worry. I'll be your new family." I said rubbing her back, and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Autumn." She blurted out, sitting up. I wore a confused look on my face. "My name, It's Autumn." She said, wiping tears from her eyes. "Ah, friend... we are going to get out of here, no matter what." I said. "Don't die on me, promise me you won't." Autumn said in a serious tone. "Promise." I replied. And I won't, just for her. Because, I love her, like a daughter. Nothing will happen, not under my watch. We embraced each other as a signal of friendship, and love...

  * Autumn

Me and Cry pulled away from the hug. "Wait, I still have one more question." He said. "How did you get stuck?" I answered, "Well, I woke up, and my blanket was under the dresser, I tried yanking it out, but when I did, it fell." "Oh. And my real name is-" Cry spoke, I cut in. "Ryan, I know. I'm a fan remember?" I laughed. "Well, it is night, so we should get some rest, unless you wanna go?" Ryan said. "Sounds like a plan, and plus, even if I tried I couldn't go back to sleep."I replied. We gathered our things and crept out of the house. Ryan took the lead. "What's the plan?" I whispered. "Well, we are going to find Ken, to team up with him." Cry whispered back." Wait. Ken. Like CinnamonToastKen? No... It couldn't be. Well I did meet Cryaotic, so maybe? We searched houses for anything we needed. We stopped out of nowhere. "Uh... Ryan?" I panically said. He was looking back and forth. "Ryan!" I snapped at him in a low tone. Zombies were coming closer. Cry tripped on a can, making us noticed. I was about to grab Cry and run to the left into the forest. Something grabbed me. An infected. "Ryan! Help!" I screamed out. I couldn't get to any of my weapons. Cry just stared in shock. Like he didn't know what to do. More like he was scared. But, why?

* Cryaotic

Autumn called me out for help. She was holding back a zombie, and couldn't get her weapon. But I froze in fear. I didn't know how to kill someone. I was frightened at the thought. I wasn't a killer. I had to help though. I gathered up all my courage. I struck the zombie in the head. I outstretched my hand for Autumn. "Thanks, Wait were are we going?" She asked. "The airport." I said. "Is Ken there?" Autumn questioned. He nodded. She dragged him into the woods and told me to put on his flashlight. We tiptoed across the woods, until we came to the back entrance of the airport. Oh. Wow. We were about to enter, until I saw a figure, a shadowy one. I pulled my arm in front of autumn, signaling not to cross. I couldn't tell who the figure was, zombie or not. "Stand back!" Autumn pulled me back, taking a gun out. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt, pulling her into a hug. I took the pistol and aimed it at the person. I narrowed my eyes, the body, it looks so familiar. But why? "Cry!" That voice... What? Why is he here?

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