Chapter 4

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* Autumn

Me and Ryan were walking to the warehouse the group said to meet up. We left a day earlier, and got there the same day... Oops. We walked around until we found fold chair. Ryan sat on it. I took my gun out of my bag. "I'm going to scope out the area." I said. "Kay, be careful." Ryan instructed. "No matter what, stay quiet though." I told him. Cry just nodded. I went to the front... We came through the back. The door opened with a creak. People with hoods came through. Five, too many to fight at once. I ran back quietly. I waited a few minutes. I was walking back to the front. on of their bags were left on the floor. I smiled. Someone's gettin' raided! Putting my hood on, I walked over, about to bend to see what was inside. The tip of a gun was placed on the back of my head. I opened my eyes wide. "Put your hands up!" A man behind the gun commanded. I did, holding up my gun. "Put it on the floor, now!" He said. I hesitated. "Now!" He said. I bent down, placing the gun on the floor. I got back up, my hands still in the air. I smiled. I turned, the gun tilting upwards. missing me. No shot? I quickly grabbed the gun out of the man's grasp. I pointed it at him, my finger just hovering over the trigger. He had a huge grey hoodie on. I could only see his nose and part of his mouth. "Take it off!" I shouted at him. "Go on! I'll pull it right now!" I added. The man took his hood off, shaking. I wore a shocked expression, dropping the gun.

I made a thud to the ground. "Mark?! I- I could of killed you!" I screamed. "Why was your finger on the trigger?!" He screamed back. "I didn't know it was you!" I answered. Someone jumped on top of me. hold my hood with a handful of hair in it. Before I could say anything, my face met the ground. It was about to again but someone dragged the person off of me. "Jack!" Marzia shouted, slapping his face. I sat up, wiping the blood from my nose. Everyone... Meaning Ken and Felix gathered around for a group hug. "Where's Cry?" Ken finally asked. "On a chair. He- got shot." I said. "Is he okay?" Marzia asked. "Yeah, he's doing better."

After our reunion, we looked around the warehouse. Granola bars, water, medicine knifes, clothing, almost anything. We started to pack everything away, in the same aisle as Cry. That's when we heard the creak of the warehouse door. "Anybody home?" We heard. We all ran out. Ken and Felix helping Ryan. We were away from the place. When something I loved dearly to my heart was missing. Mr. Jason. "Guys!" I stopped walking, getting everyone's attention. "I-I forgot my gun!" I lied. "I'll go-" Before Marzia could finish, I said, "No, I got it! I'll be right out. If I'm not back in 15 minutes, then come. Just listen for a bird call, okay?" I said. "Okay." They agreed. "Go on ahead!" I told them, running back. I saw him, still lying on the floor in that same aisle. I put him in my bag quietly. As I was about to leave, the world went black.

When I gained consciousness, I was tied to a chair. "Bravo. Little lady, you are something special. I only made you go sleepy 5 minutes ago!" A women said. I stared at her. "So, Why'd you kill him? My member?" I didn't answer. "Hmm?" I said nothing. "Oh, okay. Maybe you'll talk..." She said, stabbing me in my wounded shoulder. I winced. "Tell me!" She demanded. "He attacked me first! I was only defending myself!" I argued. The woman nodded, taking the knife, and twisting it. I closed my eyes tightly in pain. "Name? Tell me." She asked. I motioned, with my head to come near. Once she got close enough, I bit her ear. She pulled away. Blood... She got frustrated and stuck a knife in my right leg. Another wince. She only laughed. "Autumn!" I finally spoke. "Y'know, I actually feel bad for you. I know you have a team. But, why aren't they here?" She questioned, twisting the leg knife. It has been well over 15 minutes. Is this their way of saying it? Of saying they don't care?" "You listen here! Your f***ing wrong, b****!" I screamed at her. Just another twist of the knife. I was a goner... I should of known, no one loves me...

* JackSepticEye

"She's not back, no sign of her." Ken said. "Yeah, I'm going back for her..." Mark added. "Me too." I volunteered. It was settled, me and Mark were going t save Autumn. We ran to the warehouse with all our stuff. We went in. We heard whispers and mumbles. We searched to see what was happening. A guy was standing at the entrance. When Mark came back, he said that there was no one else. We made a plan. He would choke him, and I would kill him. {A/N: This is not important, but they did it }

We took the guy's things that was useful. We started to hear screaming near the back. When we got to the source of the screams, we saw Autumn and a woman. "Shut up!" The lady said. "No! I don't have to! You F***ing B****! They may not care, but I love them!" Autumn screamed. The lady took a knife and stuck it in Autumn's neck. I turned to Mark, he had an enraged face. He took out a giant knife. I was shocked. "Uh..." I couldn't finish, Mark was going up to the woman. I was surprised when he stabbed her, right in the heart.

* Autumn

The woman stuck a knife in my neck. Not right in the middle, just on the left side, about to cut my neck off. That's when she was stabbed in the heart. The knife that was able to do it was sticking out of her chest. I was scared. Was the person going to kill me next? All the blood that was dripping out from her chest. I screamed. I closed my eyes and put my head down. I couldn't look at the stranger in the face when they killed me.

* Mark

I put the lady down after hearing Autumn scream. I went over to her. "Autumn?" I asked. "No, get away! Please!" Autumn cried. I did see tears stream down her face. "Autumn, Its me." I explained. "No! Get Away!" She screamed, kicking me in that place. I stumbled back. Watching Jack try, he got the same results. "What is up with you?" I asked. "I'm... alone..." She softly said. "What?" Me and Jack said. "They left me... They didn't care... My team." She almost whispered. We came here to late. I got mad. I took the chair over my shoulder while Jack took Autumn's bag. "No! Let Me Go!!" She begged. Jack put his hand over her mouth so her screams were muffled. We took her back to everyone and explained everything. Cry went up to her when we said she didn't believe us.

* Cryaotic

I went over to Autumn, her head down and eyes closed. Tears streamed nonstop down her face. "Its me, Ryan." I spoke softly to her. She just shook her head. "Y'know what..." I started. I picked up the chair and limped inside the apartment we are staying in. I put her in an empty room. "Are you going to look at me?" I asked. "N- no!" She answered. "I'm sorry I have to do this." I said, walking out and locking he door. Why did we let her go?  

* Cryaotic

It was getting late, everyone going into the rooms of the apartment to get sleep. I was still outside. I was thinking about Autumn. I was so upset, she didn't believe us. "Cry?" The Swedish voice spoke from the entrance. I looked up. "Maybe just try to talk to her again." He suggested. "Yeah..." I trailed off. "Go to bed, okay. You look tired." I said. "Kay. Good night!" Felix said. "Night." I responded. I took a granola bar from my bag, going into the apartment. I dropped my bag, going to the room I left Autumn in. I unlocked it, and stepped in. "Autumn?" I asked. I didn't know if she was asleep. "What?" She questioned back. I waved the granola bar in my hand, hoping the crunch on the wrapper against my skin would get her attention. "Food." I said, noticing how she shrugged saying, "Whatever." I took off my mask. "You never saw my face. I'm ready to show you, friend." I said. "Ha, bulls***." She laughed slightly. "Listen here- You better look at me! I'm Cry!" I explained. She stood still. I dropped the granola bar. I was getting frustrated. Look... friend. Your making very hard for me to be nice." I said. "Why? You don't care, neither did anyone else..." She said. I got angrier. "Just look at me, I'll even put my mask back on." I spoke. "Get away from me, you ***hole." She suddenly spoke up. I had it.

I went up to her, picking her and the chair up by Autumn's collar. "Your just making this situation harder for yourself, now look at me!" I basically shouted at her. "You can't make me." She simply stated. My grip tightened, "Now." I said through tightly gritted teeth. "I lost everything! I lost the one person I cared about" She shouted. I slapped her hard across the face, my brain not processing what she had said. Once I realized what she said, I dropped the chair. I backed away, falling to my knees. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I slapped her, I can't believe I just did that. "I- I never left. I told you I wouldn't break our promise again." I stuttered. It was silent, she didn't respond. "Autumn?" I got up, making sure she was okay. The chair was flipped over so her back was on the ground. I looked at her. Autumn's green eyes were opened wide, facial expression was a stunned look. I took her hand in mine. I squeezed it tightly. "Ryan."

A/N: I hope these two updates make up for the absence of this story, I'll try to update on a regular schedule. Have a great day everyone!

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