Chapter 3

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* CinnamonToastKen

"Autumn!" Mark shouted over and over again. There was no response. Ryan stared at the window we came out from, tears brimmed in his eyes. "Guys, we have to get out of here." I said. "But Autumn..." Cry said. "She is dead-" I got cut off. "No! She can't be! I know she is alive, I do!" Ryan argued. "Hordes of zombies are coming this way, do you want to get infected? Because I don't." I stated. "Uh, guys?" We heard a female voice shout. "Autumn?!" Felix shouted back. "Catch my bag!" She said, throwing her bag out the window. Mark caught it. "Jump." Cry told her. "What? Are you crazy?" Autumn questioned. "I'll catch you, just jump!" Ryan stated. Autumn jumped, closing the window as she jumped. Ryan caught her, and put her on the ground. We started to walk into the forest. "Are you okay?" Mark asked Autumn. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." She answered back.

* Pewdiepie

"I'm hungry!" I whined. "Fine, I give up! Here." Autumn said, handing me a granola bar. We all were sitting down near a tree, taking a break. We heard a crunch sound of leaves. We all became stiff. "What was that?" I whispered. "Probably Cry, didn't he have to go take a number one?" Autumn said. We heard Cry scream. "I'll go check if he is okay!" Autumn said, running towards the screams. "No, Autumn!" Marzia said. But she already disappeared.

* Autumn

I hid behind a tree as I caught a glimpse of Cry. I peeked, seeing around two dozen zombies. I took out my pistol and pocket knife. ( I got the knife at the house.) I ran towards the horde of zombies. I slashed at about ten zombies heads, running towards Cry. "I told you, they smell fear!" I said. I handed him my gun. I ran at the group, slashing the heads of the infected. One of them got a hold of my wrist that was holding the knife. Then another came. "Cry! Help!" I yelled. More zombies crowded me. I began to get claustrophobic. That's when I noticed. My wound on my shoulder started to bleed. I tried to kick the zombies away. It wasn't working. No. It couldn't be the end. A zombie was about to bite me. That's when a savior came.

  * Autumn

I saw the person who saved me. It was... Jack Septic Eye? His hair was filled with red and brown specks of blood and dirt. "Are you alright?" He said. I nodded. Wait, where's Cry? I looked around the corpses until I found him. "Holy F***!" Cry shouted. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried. "Y- yeah. I just..." Cry stopped himself. "Just what?" I asked, was he hiding something? "Ryan!" I heard multiple voices scream. I was pushed down by Felix. "OH MY GOD, I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE OKAY!" The Swede screamed. I slapped him. "Shut up, you wanna get us killed?" Sean spoke. "Jack?" Everyone said. They had a mini, 2 minute reunion. "Wait a second!" Mark said. Everyone turned to him, even me. Mark walked over to me and picked me up. "Your shirt is soaked in blood." He said simply. "Its nothing, my shoulder wound opened." I said. "We better go!" Ken said, running towards us. As we turned, a huge horde of zombies was there. We started to run until we came to a fence. I was lifted over the fence carefully because of my wound. I dropped to the floor with a thud. I felt a big hand grab my hood.

* Cryaotic

I went over the fence in darkness. I turned, everyone was leaving. We were told to split up to try to find more weapons. I turned forward. Autumn was thrown to the ground with a gun held up to her face. The man had a full beard. "Ha, you little girl have some nerve coming to my turf." The man spat at her. Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead. Autumn was trying to get to her bag, that was tossed just over her reach. He shot at her, but missed just by a centimeter. "Bye, bye!" He said. I jumped out from behind the big crate and in front of Autumn. I dropped to the floor with pain stinging in my left side. My vision quickly went blurry. I saw Autumn squirm out from under me. She got something from her bag and ran up to the burly man. She was whacking him with a big knife over and over, not stopping until she knew he was dead. It was like I wasn't existant for those moments. She turned towards me, quickly knealing down in front of me. "Ryan?" Her quivering voice called in a low tone. I tried moving, but every time I did was a lash of pain. I stared right in her eyes it seemed. All I saw was shiny green orbs. I started to lose it, my life. I felt it. Just hearing the young girl's concerned and helpless voice ask for my name, so I could respond, 'I'm okay.' Or 'I'm here.' But I couldn't, I was gone. I'm sorry Autumn... I broke my promise.

  * Autumn

The man was about to shoot at me, when Cry went in front and got shot instead. He fell on top of me. Rage took a hold of me, I got out from under him. I took my knife from my bag and ran towards the man that hurt Ryan. I jumped on top of him and started to stab him in the face over and over. He started to be for me to stop, that he was sorry. "You think I'll forgive you?!" I cried. "He was the only person I cared about!" I shouted at him, more tears rolling down my cheeks. When he stopped begging, I knew I killed him. I ran to Cry, his eyes just barely open. "Ryan?" I asked, not getting a reply. "Ryan?" I kept asking, waiting for a reply. No... I put my hand on his wrist until I felt is pulse. I was so relived. I grabbed my bag and put it on. I went over to Ryan and put his arm over my shoulder. I picked both of us up, challengingly.{A/N: Look, sorry. No offense. I was just making the point that a grown man would weigh more than a 14 year old girl. Thank you.} When I finally could stand up, I started to walk away with Ryan into the woods. I found a wood cabin. I dragged Ryan in with me.

put him on the one bed. I looked in my first- aid kit. I didn't have enough gauze. I didn't have enough medicine. S***! I threw my bag next to the bed, only taking my gun. I ran out and found a drugstore near by. I found what I needed and headed back to Cry. I went to him. I checked his pulse, good, he still has one. I let out a sigh of relief. I carefully cleaned his wound and applied the medicine. I then rapped it tightly with gauze. I laid down next to him, "It'll be okay..."


I felt pain, so much. It felt like even just taking a breath hurt. I opened my eyes slowly. Now taking everything in. It was clearer in my sight. I opened my eyes in shock. Autumn! I turned my head a little to see a bloody sleeve. My eyes widened. Go back to sleep. I told myself. She grabbed me, holding me close to her like a teddy bear. I smiled and closed my eyes again. And fell asleep once more.


I felt the pain once again. It was almost unbearable. I winced at how harsh the pain was on my side. I heard running coming towards me, and her shouting, "Ryan?!" Autumn came over to me. She had a slight smile on her face. "I'll get you breakfast." She said, getting me... toaster waffles. She sat down next to me. "Sorry, this was one of the only things that wasn't expired. I'm just happy your okay." Autumn spoke. I pondered. What did she mean by, 'I'm glad your okay?' "Friend, I'm confused." I confessed. "You don't remember? Well, You saved me. By that man that was going to shoot me. I suddenly remembered... her screams for me. "Autumn, I'm sorry!" I begged for her forgiveness. "I- I broke our promise. I couldn't let you die. You have so much to live for." I said, whispering the last sentence. I got a hug. "Just never do it again."

  A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, so you get two parts in one day!

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