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We spent Wednesday and Thursday together. I had gone home Wednesday night but then told my mom I'd be having a lot of sleepovers with a friend. She wouldn't notice if I was gone anyway. Tonight, Friday night, was the party that you were waiting for. I had on my gray long sleeve tight sweater dress with my short black high heel boots. My makeup I had done smoky eye and dark purple lipstick on. I came downstairs to the boys and their girlfriends waiting for me. Of course I had to be the last one. You came over to me and told me how fit I looked and I laughed it off. Not believing I was of course. No matter how little food I ate. When we arrived at the party. The house smelled like vodka and the sweaty people were grinding against each other to the music. Our group danced for a bit. Not like the others, not grinding. We were having a great time. We hadn't had much to drink so we went home ourselves. Once inside you whispered in my ear that my dress needed to come off. That night you made love to me. My first time. You told me how beautiful I was over and over. It was everything it should've been. Then you told me you loved me. And I loved you right back with every ounce of my heart.

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