||Strife Togami (Fairy Tail)||

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Name: "Strife. Strife Togami." (Full name is Strife Reiko Togami)

Age: "I'm a mere 17 year old."

Magic: "Why would you want to know? Its Paper Magic. And I can also summon a few weapons I Imagine."

"Along with this, I have this magic I truly dont like using, Matter Devil Slaying. I got it after I almost died saving Fleur.."

Looks: "Me? I-I'm not that attractive.."

(White purplish hair with a thin braid at the side. Her hair reaches her waist. Her eyes are colored a shade darker than lavander. She has fair white skin and wears a white button up shirt. It is paired with a black mini skirt with a brown loose belt and black shoe like boots. Also, her shirt has a black ribbon she ties aroumd her collar (not a bow). Lastly, she wears black fingerless gloves. )

Personality: "People say I'm the Mature and collective type. I don't jump into conclusions but I instead, I think them through. They also say that I don't mind doing things most of the time. I am calm and may appear cold at sometimes, but I'll eventually warm up with you. I've also heard that I am independent and easily flattered. When it comes to my comrades, I'll do anything to save them."

Past: Strife has always been familiar with fights and battles ever since she was a child. Her parents say she was born with magic, giving them a reason to put strife into training at a young age. Strife, being strife, didn't mind it. She was a loyal child to their parents. She knew that the purpose of her training was to harness her powers. But, deep inside, she hated training . Even though, she kept it all to herself. Knowing she was independent enough at her age of ten, she set off on her own journey and stumbled upon Magnolia. She became famous being known as Avalanche. Because of this , people recommended her to join fairy tail. She also met 2 young girls that stuck to her all the time. Again, strife being strife, didn't mind it and joined.

Guild: "Fairy Tail, and my mark is lavander on my left wrist."

Alias: "Avalanche and Confetti Heir."

Weapon: "I'm familiarized with every weapon."

Likes: "Tea and Silence"
Dislikes: "Grasshoppers and boredom"

Crush: "I haven't really thought of that but I am close to Rogue..But it isn't what you think it is! I-I don't have feelings for him! We're just friends..Other than that, I am available."

Team: "A team could be fun..Won't it?"

Best friend: "I'm pretty close with the Ludenberg twins, Cloud and Callis since they stick to me all the time. But by the means of friendship gone through experience, it would be Rinne (Tokiii_ ) . And friendship by means of personality, I am a little fond of Ultear-sama. We're close. Oh and also Rogue-kun, he is really sweet although he is a snob at times. And I guess Fleur? (Tokiii_ ) She's nice."

Others: Strife does not like having you call her Rei or Reiko because that was her training name given to her by her parents. Only Cloud and Callis call her by that. And sometimes by Fleur as a tease.

"Is that all?" She asked and stood up. "That was not worth my time.." She ran a hand through her hair and walked away. She turned back once more and smiled. "Nice meeting you though." She then continued walking.

"No matter how many times you fall, bounce back, stronger and better."
-Strife Togami

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