||Nikori Terra Strauss (F.T.) ||

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Name: "Nikori Terra Strauss. Call me Niko for short or whatever."

Age: "Piss off."

Magic: "Straight up? Well, I have Angelic and Demonic Takeover plus Requip: Heavenly Warrior. I also have these weird crystals that allow me to summon guardians of different stuff as they give me supremacy over something? They also open portals and do more sht than this tho. If you see me in action, you'll see."

Looks: "I'm a girl and I have a reproductive part called-"

"Y-You're going too far!"
Cloud sweatdropped. "I-I'm too young for this!"

"Whatever you say."

(She has straight ivory hair reaching her butt, with her bangs collected at her forehead. Her eyes are a shade of demon like red and her skin is very pale.  Nikori likes wearing not so bright colors, mainly black and white. Her usual style comes off with a strapless white shirt, black skirt, black stockings, ankle-high brown boots, and upto elbow fingerless gloves. Along with this, she sometimes wears short sleeved polos on top of her shirt cuz she's insecure about her skin being shown.)

Personality: "Unlike my cousins, I don't favor all these nice acts. I'm blunt, compulsive, and outgoing, but in a good way. I'm mature and tend to be the one who looks after a certain group of people. I'm sarcastic and very vocal, allowing myself to socialize alot. The similar thing about me and mu cousins is that I'm one who'll most likely tell you to treasure yourself. I'm a kind of perverted too. I have my cocky and asshole moments, I admit, but inside, I'm like a happy lil' sushi roll. Just a heads up tho, I SWEAR ALOT."

Past: "Only dipshits would dare ask my backstory. You're one of them."
Niko Glares.

(Nikori was an accident child that was given birth to cuz her parents were drunk. They hated her and left her in a dumpster in a village called "Flannery."
People there took care of Niko as their own and harnessed the powers she had. As Niko grew, the grudge to her parents did as well. A time came when their village was attacked and Niko was the only sole survivor. She felt extremely sad and depressed and attempted to kill herself when a person acknowledged that she looked like the Strauss siblings from fairy tail. Niko had high hoped that she had another family and wandered about until she found Magnolia. To her luckiness, she saw different posters and magazines about them and in turn decided to join Fairy Tail. At first, they hated her for her cocky attitude, but as they soon understood nikori, they have seen her as actually a nice person. Nikori though still wanted to get revenge to her parents.)

Guild: "Fairy Tail obviously."

Alias: "The Diamond Angel. I myself like it."

Weapon: "meh."

Likes: "What I like? I guess I do have a soft spot for cute things. I like cooking as well. So as to fighting."

Dislikes: "Bitches who are prideful, those trash that I call my parents, and anyone who dare mess with my beloved family."

Crush: "C-Crush..? U-Umm..
Zen Kazehaya- Senpai (Tokiii_ ) is kinda cute..and hot..and dreamy..and awesome..And-...I-I mean! N-no one! Who told you I like someone?!"

Team: "Eh. I'm a lone wolf. Well, unless you want to be a team with me, then, alright."

Relations: "Mira-nii, Elfman and Lisanna are my cousins, My best friend is -RhythM- 's OC Callie and other peeps. I think of Strife as a person that is too calm, its annoying. "

"Well your mouth is dirtier than evil itself." Strife suddenly butts in.

"Get out of my Bio! Ughhhh fucking strife..Anyways, as I was saying, strife is basically my rival. I'm quite interested in erza since we kind of have the same backstory. Thats it I think. With other people though, theyre cool."

Others: "I'm not as clever as levy but I'm fairly intelligent. In fights tho, I'm very strategic. I'm good at weaponry and combat. If you someday kill strife, I'll reward you."

"That interview was garbage.." Niko sighed. She stood up and said, "But seriously though, I'm not all bad. Come talk to me sometime. You seem cool." With that, she walked away with a sly smile.

"Don't trust a person's words. See it from their actions."
-Nikori Terra Strauss😇😈💎

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