Chapter 4- No Lazy Day

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Disclaimer- Bleach is property of Tite Kubo.

You can read and see animations and clips from Bleach: Bearers of the Key at www . bearers-of-the-key . deviantart . com OR bearers-of-the-key . wikia . com - close the gaps) SITE CONTAINS SPOILERS OF LATER CHAPTERS!

The sun hung brightly in blue sky peppered with fluffy white clouds as Rex jogged to the track, wearing a black tank top and black shorts with orange stripes going down the sides. "Crap! Hope he didn't leave." He said as he approached the fence and walked through.


Bleach: The Bearers of The Key

By: Derrick Flax (wabi777)

Chapter Four-NO LAZY DAY

"You're late!" Ryohei announced as he continued stretching in a gray sleeveless jacket ,and purple shorts on the red track. He had his shoulder length dark purple hair pulled into a ponytail, a single strand hung to the left, just above his scarred eye.

"Only by a few minutes." Rex responded as he neared Ryohei and began to do a quad stretch. "I ran to my house to get changed."

Ryohei shook his head before stretching his arm. "I said you could use mine."

The teen looked at Ryohei , his orange eyes giving an unimpressed look. "Really? I bet they've been in your locker since last year."

"Shut up." Ryohei retorted before heading to the starting line. "Come on!"

"I just started stretching!" He yelled in reply.

"Too bad! You shouldn't have been late." Ryohei said as he started jogging.

"But I-" Rex stopped abruptly before looking around. "Did you just call me?" He asked.

"Stop stalling!" The dark haired teen ordered as he continued to run.

"I wasn't! Nevermind." Rex said as he caught up to the jogger. "So how many laps are we running?"

"Three." Ryohei replied as continued to run at a steady pace.

"And what after this?" Rex asked as he kept up with the scarred teen.

"We sure are inquisitive today ,aren't we?" Ryohei tauntingly asked as he increased his speed.

"Whatever." Rex said before looking around and back to Ryohei, who was jogging faster. "Yeah?"

"I didn't say anything." The teen said as he picked up the pace once again.

"I could've sworn that someone called my name." Rex said before looking around fidgeting with the ring his grandfather gave him.

A gleam from the orange gem Rex wore on his right finger caught Ryohei's gray eyes. "What up with your ring?"

Rex snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Ryohei. "What about it?" He asked suspicious of what Ryohei meant.

"Well I mean something as unique as that seems like it'd be pretty expensive. How'd you get it?" The dark haired teen asked.

"It's..My grandfather gave it to me before he died." Rex said solemnly. "He made it himself actually."

"So I take it, you and him were close." Ryohei asked.

"Yeah." Rex answered before he caught sight of the dark violet bead band on Ryohei's wrist.

"Cool ban-" Rex was cut off.

"Sorry can't hear you!" Ryohei said as he picked up the pace till he was about 75 meters in front of the teen.

"You're gonna run out of steam if you keep that up! We're only on the first lap!" Rex yelled as he continued running at a steady pace.

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