Chapter 5: Countdown to Destruction

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Disclaimer- Bleach is property of Tite Kubo.

You can read and see animations and clips from Bleach: Bearers of the Key at www . bearers-of-the-key . deviantart . com OR bearers-of-the-key . wikia . com - close the gaps) SITE CONTAINS SPOILERS OF LATER CHAPTERS! Also on Fanfiction .  net !!


Date: Thursday; September 19th, 20XX

Time: 3:55pm

Location: Karakura High School - School yard 

"Sachi run !" Was the only advice Rex could offer as he barely escaped being impaled from the horned monster.

With a nod the brown haired teen took a step back, but was soon sent airborne with a flick of the monster's tail. Having fallen to the ground with a yelp,she gripped her shoulder, pushed herself up, and watched as Rex ran towards her. "Stay back!" The words were already out of her mouth,but it was too late; The hollow caught the dark skinned teen in it's palm, and tightened its grip.

Rex didn't know what just happened. Everything was a blur as he found himself suddenly caught in the hollow's grasp, before being slammed into the ground. The sound of bones breaking echoed throughout his body, followed by immense pain. As he laid on the ground ,he slowly tried to crawl away ,but soon found himself being tossed several feet in the air. For a second He felt as if time had slowed down,but that all went away as he felt himself slammed back down.

Bleach: The Bearers of The Key

By: Derrick Flax (wabi777)

Chapter Five-Countdown to Destruction

Paralyzed as fear overtook her like a wave, She watched in horror as the hollow repeatedly slammed Rex into the ground.

Darn it! Move! Move!She told herself.

"Sa..chi.." Everything went black as he laid in the crater, and hoped that the pain would leave. He felt his broken ribs; one of them pressing against his skin. A howl from the monster caught his attention.

Having lost interest in Rex, the hollow headed for his new prey; Sachi.

As he ordered himself to crawl over, he felt his heart race as the hollow was about 10 feet away from It's prey. "Sachi run!"

Snapped out of her fear when she heard Rex, she took a deep breath ,and willed herself to run away. Fighting fear, as puffs of the hollow's cold breath hit her neck, she made a quick left and unknowingly headed towards her fallen comrade. She was less than eight feet away when a roar from the hollow pushed her to the ground; caught between the monster, and the teen.

"No!" Rex yelled as he reached for her,and watched as the hollow was 10ft away, then 5ft; the horn only a few feet away from Sachi's face.

Oh God! What am I doing? Rex thought as he tried to crawl faster. I'm trembling! I need to run; I need to get away, but what can I do?

Suddenly a voice spoke to him in the midst of all of the chaos. "Get up."

Rex looked up as the color from the environment seemed to dull, and time seemed to slow down. "Who's there?"

"You have pushed my patience to it's limit! All this time I've called out to you, and you've ignored me." The tone of the voice was indignant. "But this is the last straw! I am too important to have you killed by some lowly hollow, while you disregard my existence completely!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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