Gasps Of Horror...

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Everyone looked at me, gasping in complete and utter horror. You could hear silent whispers of people asking their friends if they knew. Just then Draco appeared and I had a private word before he said anything.

"If anyone asks, I'm Val and I'm in Griffindor and Voldemort is NOT my father... I need to do whatever it takes to get the Elder wand from Potter... Even... date him... I know, disgusting, right." I whispered to him and he nodded in agreement.

We walked away shouting all sorts of insults like we had argued and I returned to Potter's side. I whispered to him "I'll tell you later." He just nodded and then I was rushed inside the castle to the Griffindor common room where I was questioned by Professor McGonagall. I had to lie, lie and lie some more... But it's not like I hadn't lied at any point that day.

"Professor, my father used to be, one of them... You know... A Death Eater. I would have been made to if I hadn't escaped the castle but before I went, I knew Voldemorticia. She was, and probably still is, one of the most evil people you could ever meet, besides Voldemort himself." I was hoping she didn't see right through my lies, or my sleeve for that matter, as I had tried my hardest to cover up the 'Dark Mark'.

"Oh, I understand. I will leave you in peace then..." McGonagall replied, and she transformed to a cat, then left the room.

Soon, Potter, Weasley and Granger turned up to see me untie my long brown hair and to watch it fall to below my waist. Potter walked up to me and you could tell he had noticed that my eyes were almost red in colour. He backed away, almost knocking my sleeve to reveal my 'Dark Mark'. Fortunately, he didn't realise and I had a chance to find a spell that would cover it up... Fidelious. It was a spell normally used to hide memories, but it worked when covering up my 'Dark Mark'.

I ran up to the girls dormitory where I created myself a bed to sleep in and used a spell to change into PJ's. I was thinking about what I had become... And I realised I was scared of Potter finding out, afraid of what he would say... But why would, or should, I care? Oh God I was, wasn't I? In love with Potter...

Harry's P.O.V

I couldn't believe it. I finally had a girlfriend where I didn't have to watch what I said about them because of brothers or sisters. I was happy. I did notice something on her arm but I think it was just a scar... And I couldn't criticise her for having a scar, I mean, look who's talking. She did know a surprising amount of stuff about Voldemort. It was quite scary and, I mean, I don't think anyone knew about Voldemorticia except her... I know creepy, right.

I felt bad for Ginny. She clearly lied and was then, too late. I didn't still love her but she was my best friend's sister... Oh well, there isn't much I can do, I mean, it's a week since I started dating Val but, actually, I do still love Ginny... I can't bare to be without her... I have to break up with Val...

I summoned my owl and wrote a note...

Sorry, I can't do this anymore... I have to break up with you, I hope you understand. I'm sorry... It's just... I still love Ginny... -Harry

I sent Hedwig Jr. (as he was named after my first owl Hedwig) to give Val the note. He flew off... Boy did I feel bad...

Voldemorticia's P.O.V

I saw Harry's owl sitting on my window ledge with a note... I read the note and got upset. Yup, I definately had feelings for him. I needed a plan to make him feel bad, and I mean, really bad.

Suddenly, it came to me... Draco Malfoy. He was an old family friend and I knew, he had to obey me because I could kill without reason... That was always a good point...

I undid the spell on my arm and let the 'Dark Mark' show, before heading towards the Slytherin corridor... Back to the place that was practically my home... There I saw Draco stood, staring at me, practically shaking. He wasn't staring at my face though, but my arm... I had walked round half the school showing off my 'Dark Mark'. Oops! Oh well people better get used to it beause... I'm Voldemorticia and I'm here to stay!

Ron's P.O.V

I saw Ginny burst into the Griffindor common room whilst I was sat with Hermionie thinking about what Val had said this morning... I mean, it couldn't have been the truth, could it? Ginny threw her arms around Harry. I was glad, he'd got rid of that hurtful cow and moved on to someone better. I knew it was her who had used Confundo on Ginny and I had wanted to do something about it. I never got a chance to because of Potter thinking he knows everything...

I looked at Hermionie and she looked confused. I took her out onto the bridge to speak to her.

"Harry broke up with Val because he still he loved Ginny."

"That might be true," Hermionie added. "But, he didn't look too happy to see Ginny, in fact, he hasn't looked too happy since he broke up with her.

"Hermionie, he couldn't find her... He doesn't know where she's gone or anything. He wanted to explain himself to her but she just... vanished... And he thinks it's Draco's fault..."

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