Getting Out Of There...

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Draco's P.O.V

I can remember waking up with a pain in my leg. When I managed to look at it, I had been bitten by none other than Canibus. I always hated that snake. It didn't like me. I knew since it had tried to bite me on numerous occasions without reason. Stupid snake. I saw Val looking at me and she looked really worried. What had even happened? I can remember some sort of electric shock and then some immense pain a while later, but that was it. I knew Val had killed Voldemort but I still didn't know what had happened or where the shock had come from. I just hoped that it was nothing serious...

"You're ALIVE!" Val shrieked at me and hugged me. "I thought you were dead! We can't get out of here though! Potter shut the Chamber... He's such a d**k. We might just have to stay here for good..." She looked quite depressed, then again this wasn't the nicest place to be...

"Look Val, I know a way out of here that barely anyone else knows about..." She looked at me and was really confused. "My father used to bring me down here when I was a child. We didn't use the entrance that we did today. There is another one that leads to the Slytherin Dungeons."

I stood up and signalled for Val to follow me. She kept close behind me as we walked through various passageways and tunnels. We came across another basilisk on the way. I was dark green with yellow eyes and it looked vicious. I knew who it belonged to... me. I was in the Chamber Of Secrets quite often visiting it. It's name was Salazar, named after the founder of Slytherin. I was one of the only people who could look it in the eye and not be petrified or die. I told Val to cover her eyes and grabbed hold of her hand. I walked her past the basilisk and it just kept on slythering along, probably waiting for someone to come that it could attack. We finally came to a big black and green door with a huge snake on it. It was the door that would lead us into the Slytherin Dungeons. I pushed the door slightly so I could see out. Nobody was there... I think it would be about time for one of the feasts so we climbed out of the tunnel.

"Val, you can move your hand now." I told her. "It was just my basilisk Salazar. I didn't know whether you could look them in the eye or not and I didn't want to take any risks..." She nodded, knowing what I had meant and then we walked to the Great Hall.

People turned to look at us when we entered. Most of them gasped in horror but I think it was because they saw Canibus around Val's neck. I told her not to bring it but she didn't listen. Oh well, at least no one would say anything about the whole Voldemort thing. I hadn't realised but my leg had started bleeding again... Thanks Canibus... The food arrived but before we got to eat we had to listen to some speech by McGonagal.

"Children, there is no need to be afraid by the fact that Voldemort's daughter is in our presence. She isn't even bad and she assures me that she will not harm other students." Val looked up at her and I knew she hadn't said anything like that to her. "Anyway, she is a regular person and will still get the same treatment that everyone here does... Even though she has the Dark Mark." Everyone went silent and looked over to Val. I don't think she was happy at all as she stormed out. I didn't go after her, especially since she was in the biggest mood she had ever been in... Lovely.

Voldemorticia's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what McGonagal had just said. How dare she tell people that! I ran straight to my dormatory and lay on my bed. I put Canibus in his habitat and I just lay there. I was glad that Draco didn't follow me. I just didn't want to speak to anyone at that moment in time. I wouldn't dare say anything about not harming people; harming people was what I did everyday. I didn't want to be like my father but I didn't want to be normal, because I'm not normal. In fact, I'm probably as far away from normal as you can possibly get. I never wanted anyone to know who I was as I knew how people would treat me. Draco would probably end it with me because he'd get a bad name and no one would probably speak to him. I think that for the first time in years, I actually cried.

After lying for about two hours, I heard the door open and someone walked in. I lifted my head up to see who it was and it was Draco. I put my head into my pillow and I heard him walking closer. I rolled over to look at him and he looked depressed but I didn't have a clue why. Maybe he had seen his father or something like that, but I didn't even want to know really.

"Sorry I wasn't here sooner but McGonagal stopped me from going after you and then I had to go and see Madame Pomfrey about about my snake bite which she struggled to find a cure for but she did eventually. After that I had to listen to my father tell me something about my mother coming back and that he wouldn't be around for two weeks while he went to get her. I'm sorry..." He looked at me like he wanted me to forgive him but I wasn't really paying much attention. "Look, why don't you just stay at home for a while whilst you're upset. You'll be better off there."

"So you just want me to go home and mope around whilst you get to stay with your friends... Isn't that thoughtful?! I think you just want me out the way so you can get to know Granger!" I didn't mean to be like that but it slipped out. He looked depressed again and then he left... Man, I was a b***h!

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