Chapter 24

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"Have you heard?"

"Uhhhhh, heard of what? Eggs floating in saltwater? Yeah, I heard of that before and seen it in a science class."

"No, Hoshi... That's true, but not what I wanted to say."

"Oh. Sorry, go on," the girl urged as she laid down on the bench.

Subaru quickly pulled her up from the seat and scratched the back of his head awkwardly as she gave him an odd look.

"The bench isn't the best place to lay down on, Hoshi. Did I wake you up too early?" the boy asked.

"Correction: Did Suyuri wake me up too early. Yes, she most certainly did, but I don't mind. I'll live. As I said before, keep going?"

"Right, I heard a transfer student is coming to our class soon. If you're wondering from who, then I'll tell you one description of the 'mystery' person. I know you know," said Subaru.

"Alright then... Shoot," she responded.

Subaru smiled and leaned back into his seat as Hoshi yawned and hunched herself forward to rest her arms on her lap and her head in her hands.

"Hmm, big glasses."

"Ah, four eyes. Kizamaro, right?" Hoshi quickly replied.

"Yeah. Of course you'd get it on the first try. I wonder if Suyuri is done yet... " he thought aloud. "Also, she told me to give this to you. No clue what is in there, but it's probably more girly things."

He then looked over at the girl next to him as he held over a bag and thought about something for a bit as if he was debating whether to say it out loud or not.

"You don't look like a girly type person..." he murmured." But then again, Suyuri said that she is an idol and idols usually wear girly stuff... I think.. Idols' intentions I guess?"

'A-A bag...?' Hoshi groaned nervously. "I was expecting something small instead.."

Reaching over to accept it, the girl noticed someone coming up with some ice cream in hand and a camera dangling around her neck.

"Thanks, Subaru!~" Suyuri sang happily as she handed over their cold soft dessert.

"You only did that so you could get a picture of us...?" he asked embarrassingly. "... How many photos did you...?"

"Ahhhhh, quite a few!" giggled the female twin. "But don't worry, whatever my brother gave you just now is all real."

"Well it would be unfortunate for me to get an empty bag for the heck of it..." Hoshi said as she peered into it. "... More clothes... and accessories. Thanks, Suyuri... No clue how to express my.. gratitude to you.."

"Not a problem!~ Anything for a friend and especially my brother's-"

"I know what you're going to say, Suyuri... No, she's not my girlfriend!" he exclaimed, his face red from embarrassment. "And delete those photos!"

"Your face is brightly flushed in denial, how can you not be together?" she continued to tease, snapping a shot of Subaru's face. "Totally keeping these."

Hoshi sighed as she began to eat her ice cream before it melted. She noticed that Suyuri bought a strawberry flavored dessert for her and that the color was pink like her hair was. The twins on the other hand had something else. Suyuri was eating a chocolate flavored ice cream while Subaru had the usual vanilla.

"I bought these ice cream based on our hair color, did you know?" Suyuri giggled. "Except for Subaru. He usually eats the classical vanilla flavor."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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