Confession : part one

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Maria was thinking that she should confess her feelings to Comet. Sure she likes Jack and all, but no one can make a cute smile like Comet's. So she walk straight right up to his room and knock the door. She opened the door and saw Comet shirtless.

" Ehh... " Maria's face was turning red. Redder than her jacket.

" Hi Maria " Comet said . He walk straight to Maria and touched her cheek " Maria are you okay? " Maria was still looking down at Comet's shirtless body.

" Comet can we talk privately outside please? " Maria asked.

" Sure " Comet replied.

"..but first can you wear a shirt " Maria said giving him a shirt from his closet. She went outside of his room and sat down near his door. " Okay Maria, you can do this! " she stand up and take a deep breath. She was ready.

Comet was done changing. He went outside seeing Maria smiling ' She's so cute! ' he said in his mind. Maria noticed Comet looking at her " Earth to Comet. Are you okay? " Maria said snapping him out. Comet snapped back " Oh. Sorry Maria. So...why do you want to talk to me privately? " Comet asked. " Comet, we've been friends for like months now and your the first guy who understands me, aside from my dad. I'm just trying to say that I.. I..lov- she was cut of, because a portal popped out of nowhere. A girl went outside of the portal, she has red hair, three eyes one in her forehead, she had two horns in her head. " Tambry!? " Comet said. Tambry is Comet's demon ex girlfriend.

" Hi Cometyboo it's been a while since we went to the blood moon ball~" Tambry said.

" Tambry. What are you doing here on earth? " Comet asked.

" To take you back in the underworld with me silly~ " she said acting sweet.

" Why would I go with you!? You nearly killed Maria! " .

" Tsk! Comet that girl is nothing but trouble on our relationship ".

" Trouble!? She's my best friend she will never cause any trouble! " Comet said defending Maria. For the first time a boy never defended Maria before. Her heart was beating really fast.

" Comet if your not gonna come with me and be with that girl. Then I have to use force " she snapped her fingers " Guards get him " Comet was ready to fight the guards, but they sneak attack him. Witch make Comet drop his wand. The guards go inside the portal followed by Tambry. Maria was running towards the portal, but just a she went near it. It already closed. Maria kneeled down crying. " I never even gotta chance to confess to him..." Maria said.

To be continued...

A/N : Hey guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger. But don't worry I'll be making part two. Hope you like this chapter!

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