Chapter One - Uneasy Feeling

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"I'm sorry I- I'll have your money." The guy sat there on the floor begging for his life. China let out a small chuckle, kicking her feet up on the desk.

"See, when I asked you for the money before you told me to kiss your ass. Now, that I'm about to have each and every one of your body parts cut off limb by limb you're willing to cooperate." She stressed.

She wasn't in the mood for his crocodile tears.

"Please, I have two kids at home." He begged. He didn't really have two kids at home, he would say anything to get out of the predicament he was currently in.

"Did I asked you all of that? Just shut up." She groaned. Tiredly standing up from her seat, she walked over to her victim. He hung his head low as he continued to cry. "Stop acting like a likle bitch. Kiing pass me the machete." She instructed her body guard. She was tired of the bullshit. She now wanted to put an end to it.

"Please. Give me one last chance." He cried out. She shook her head and clasped her hands together, resting them in front of her small, mocha frame.

"How about no? I give you a chance and you come back for revenge. Honestly speaking, I really don't have time for that shit." She blandly stated.

She knew the routine already. She knew that giving him a chance would only lead him to come back for revenge. Nobody was to be trusted. When you have something to handle, you handle it.

Kiing walked back over to her with the machete and she motioned for him to lift the guy up off his knees. He cried and tried to put up a fight which only pissed her off more. She raised her hand up and chopped off his left foot.

"Stop moving and this will happen more easily. You're only pissing me off." China spoke calmly.

He screeched out in pain and began to cry hysterically again. 'I swear niggas are so tough until their life is in danger.' She annoyingly thought to herself.

"Calm down. How much does the bwoy owe?" She asked one of her workers.

"17 grand boss." He responded. Raising both eyebrows, she looked back at the guy with pure amusement. She definitely didn't feel bad for the endless torture.

"Damn bwoy, that's a lot of numbers. That foot right there was only worth 300." Raising her hand again, she chopped off the other foot. "See, now that's 600 right there." She teased.

He let out a piercing scream. Clasping his hands together, he continued to beg for his worthless life to be spared.

"Bwoy, I just got your blood on my 5,000 dress so now you owe me 11,400." She glanced down at her black Chanel dress and kissed her teeth. The guards chuckled at her response.

The guy finally began to quiet down, now filling the room with light sobs. She lifted the machete up and chopped off both of his hands. Maybe this way he will stop his repetitive begging. By now there was blood all over the room, squirting from all sides of his body. He cried and cried some more like the little bitch he is.

She about to make her way to his knees when her IPhone went off. She sighed deeply and sat her machete down.

"Aye. Pass me that rag over there." She demanded any one of her workers. One of the guards tossed it to her. Reluctantly, she caught it and began to wipe at her bloodshed hands.

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