Chapter Three- Bad Connects

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"So wait, he sent some bitch to try and catch you lacking." Eazy asked, obviously amused. China nodded her head while sipping on her vanilla latte. "This dumb ass. He really don't know who you are." He shook his head and let out a small laugh.

Eazy knew that Victor was stupid, he didn't know that he was this stupid. Testing China's patience was like committing suicide. It's like Victor wants China to kill him.

China nodded her head in agreement. She couldn't say much on the situation because she was still trying to figure out how he knew where the warehouse was. First her condo, now her place of work. How long as he been keeping tabs on her?

"So, what do you want to do about it?" He questioned. He knew that China had to have had something up her sleeve. There was no way that she was going to just let this go, she never does.

"I already killed one of his traffickers so that's less money coming his way. She was bad as fuck too." China chuckled. Jessica was a thick ass lightskin with honey blonde hair and green eyes. There was no denying that he snatched her from out of the country.

"Bad enough for a threesome?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. China quickly nodded her head.

"Hell yeah. Bad enough for me to tip her afterwards." She added. They both laughed and slapped hands.

"See, this is why I fuck with you." He commented. China was his best friend. He never met a girl like her before. She was really special.

"Shit. This is why I fucks with my sexy ass too." China flipped her long black hair over her shoulders and slightly smirked.

"So damn cocky. Come on, let's get back to business." He stood up and she followed pursuit. They cleaned their mess off of the small table and exited McDonald's. To them, you were never too rich for McDonald's. Their fries be on the money.

"Who's that?" China asked, referring to the phone call Eazy engaged in while they were outside the fast food restaurant. He made humping gestures letting her know that it was a quick fuck that he was trying to swindle. She smiled small and shook her head.

She got into the car and Eazy followed in after her, putting an end to his phone call. Today, she felt like driving herself around so she gave her driver the day off. China liked to be behind the wheel, in control. She just can't shoot and drive at the same time so it's good to have a driver whenever she's alone even though security never leaves her side.

Feeling his phone vibrate, Eazy glanced down at the screen and read the messages displayed on it. He sighed deeply and rubbed the back of his neck. He knew that the news he had to relay to China was going to piss her off. This wasn't about to end well for anyone.

"China someone blew up one of our traps." Eazy said, looking up from his phone. China huffed loudly and slammed her hand down on the wheel.

"Who told you this?" She angrily asked. Right now, the only thing on her mind was killing whoever did this.

She briefly took her eyes off of the road as he showed her the text messages between him and Julian. She shook her head and gripped the wheel, partially making her knuckles ashy.

"Which trap was it so I could head over there now?" She asked as she made a turn at the red light in front of her.

"It was the third one. I think it had something to do with that Vicky nigga." Eazy replied. Victor was a sleazy fuck. This had his name written all over it.

Thug Central (Urban)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora