The Truth

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"Artemis come down at once," Artemis's adoptive father said.

"Coming dad," she replied. She didn't know she was adopted at the time, but she loved her 'father.' He was although, unfortunately protective and he knew how to hold a grudge.

She's a witch, but she's homeschooled. Her adoptive father refused to have her go to Hogwarts because of a petty argument with a professor. He took everything social from her life and replaced it with school. She only had one true joy in her life, and even that was slowly being taken from her.

Instead of being out and about like a normal teen, she was kept inside all the time. But her 'mother,' whom she loved with all her heart, was dying. The only light in her life was being stolen from her by one awful thing: an incurable disease. The money being spent to keep her mum alive was running into homeschooling money. So her education was dying with her mother.

Their somewhat dysfunctional family was falling apart, and there was nothing she could do. Nothing but pray that everything would turn out right. Eventually.

"Artemis now!" He yelled. She rolled her eyes at his lack of patience but quickly ran downstairs.

"Yes?" she said, standing in front of his tall body.

"We need to talk," he said sadly. She raised her eyebrows but nodded. They walked into the room where her mother lay.

"Mum," she whispered, reaching out the the petite woman on the bed in front of her.

"Sweetheart," her mother rasped. She grabbed on to her hand and swallowed back tears.

"Artemis, we have something to tell you," her father started, his voice serious, but strained.

"It's about your mother," he said. "Both of them."

She looked up at him, confusion all over her face. "What?"

"Artemis, you must understand this is very hard for us. But, you're adopted," her Mum said sadly.

"What?" She asked again, sadness etched into her every pore this time though.

"I'm so sorry Missy," her mum said, using the nickname she had as a child, crying silently.

"Who are they?" Artemis asked, her voice thick with tears.

"I don't know," her Mum said.

"What? How could you not know!"

"Artemis, we were desperate. Then there was this lady, she had twins, one boy, one girl. She was sobbing, she couldn't take them both at the same time. Her husband was traveling all the time and she would never be able to care for both of them. I couldn't have children, but here was this lady." Her mother choked out.

"Why didn't you tell me," Artemis tried to interrupt, but her mother ignored her and kept talking.

"We talked, and she said that I could choose one. You or him. I of course, chose you. But I never got her name. Only your first and middle names. Artemis Elizabeth Terrance. That was your new name. This beautiful baby girl, all mine." She paused, letting out a wheezy cough. "That day was by far, the best day of my life."

By this time, even her father was crying and Artemis was hugging him.

"But Artemis, the money keeping Alexandria alive is running low."

"No," she pleaded.

"I'm sorry Artemis. But we can't pay for your needs anymore. Not all the time anyways."

"You mean I'm leaving?" Artemis asked painfully.

"You're going to Hogwarts Sunshine. You're finally going to school," her mother reasoned.

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