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"Miss Terrance can you tell me the spell for changing an inanimate object into an animal?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Artemis answered straight away, "Avifors."

"Good, what is scribblifors?"

"The spell used to change objects into quills."

"How do you turn books into nice?"


"Vermes Verto?"

"Worm to butterfly."

"How do you turn an object to stone?"

"I don't believe we've been taught that yet Miss." Artemis answered the final questions. The whole class was staring at Artemis. It was almost the end if transfiguration and the professor had just finished her lesson. Everyone knew by now that she was one of the smartest girls in the school, and they were just waiting for her to make a mistake. Some of the Ravenclaws smirked, thinking Artemis didn't know the answer.

"So you don't know the answer then!" Someone teased from the back of the class.

"On the contrary Stella, the spell is Duro. It was a spell created by Sir Ronald Swithin. He was born in 1472 in a very small town in Ireland. He died shortly after his 27 birthday. Murdered by a former friend, who was jealous of his success. A bit of an overreaction in my opinion," Artemis was rambling now, it happened to her a lot. She remembered all of her lessons perfectly, and once she got talking, she didn't stop until she had said everything. Remus elbowing her, gave her the hint this time though.

"Miss Terrance, that was remarkable. When did you learn that?" McGonagall asked.

"I read it last year. I got bored and I have a big library..." Artemis explained shyly.

"Well, that makes sense," the professor paused then continued, this time addressing the whole class, "Your homework tonight is simple. I want you all to practice using Lapifors on the book under your seats. Tomorrow you will each do it in front of the class. Dismissed!"

Artemis began packing her things, and walked out of the classroom. It was her last class of the day so she made for the field she had practiced in the day before. She was on her way when she realize she could just jump there. Artemis shut her eyes and imagined the field. She took a deep breath and jumped, landing softly on grassy ground. Her eyes opened to see the field she was hoping for.

Grinning, Artemis reached into her bag and pulled out the book on Afierómatas. Today she was going to learn how to change into an animal. The book said that in the beginning it was easier if you had an animal in front of you. She remembered her homework assignment and pulled out the book from transfiguration.

Artemis pointed her wand at the small book and said, "Lapifors!" A thin jet of white light shot out of her wand and surrounded the book. When the light was gone, so was the book and a bunny sat in its place. "Awww! Look at you!" She cooed and squatted down. "You're adorable!"

She sat, scratching the rabbits ears for a while before she remembered what she was doing. Artemis stood up and looked at the rabbit intently. She imagined herself becoming smaller, furrier. She could feel her ears getting taller, and her teeth getting longer. She shrunk too. When she finished, she was tiny, white, and fluffy. She was most definitely a bunny. An adorable bunny at that.


"Stop touching me Black." Artemis shoved Sirius away from her. They were in the middle of a tutoring session, and he was making it his own personal mission to invade her personal space. He scooted closer to her.

"Black." She growled. He scooted closer again. "Black." He got closer. "Black." Closer. "Black if you don't move I swear I will-"

"Artemis Terrance?" A boy interrupted her. He must have been about eleven years old. He was looking at her shyly and she smiled.

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