Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Two boys walk in their town at night, cloaks held up against their head. No one can hear them, for they are quiet as snakes. They know this town like the back of their heads, even when there was no light to guide them through it. They walk until they find the only house that has any candle light left on. The two boys glance at each other, and then walk towards it.

The porch is creaky. They try to keep it as silent as can be, for it may bring unwanted attention.

Once they arrive to the door, they rap three times each, and then walk in. When they are in, they see the candles throughout the house, and follow them until they reach a man sitting at a table.

"Welcome, boys," He says. "Take a seat. Let down your cloaks. Stay a while."

Neither of them move to do so. "We're not here for that, and you know it," An accent mocks. "We've come for what you owe."

The man raises his eyebrows at them. "Did Okla really send you to steal back a cup?"

The other cloaked boy speaks, "Of course he did. Our leader doesn't like stealers."

"Well, that's unfortunate." The man sighs, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Considering I don't have it anymore."

"Excuse me?" The accent snaps. "Where in the hells have you put it?"

"Well..." The man seems to think over it for a few seconds, moving his head back in forth in mocking. "I believe it'll be halfway in the wastelands."

"What are you talking about?" The boy asks.

"Meaning: I don't have it. I took it out for a walk and when a storm came, I dropped it."

"Why would you take a stolen artifact for a walk?"

The man shrugs, "It got bored."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" The boy with the accent asks.

"Oh, you don't. But your friend here does."

The boys look at him shocked.

"Know thy enemy, my friends." The man smirks. "I no longer have any reason to lie to you. I tried to get the cup to be of interest. It's not."

The accented boy raised his eyebrow. "Then why not give it back to where you stole it from?"

He smirks. "Then I would admitting defeat. That is not who I am."

The other boy sighs. "Alright, fine. You put it in the wasteland. I suppose you're not gonna help us to where it'll be?"

The old man suddenly gets very serious. "I'll tell you this once, only because you two are being so polite... That cup is not something you want."

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