Music Box

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(Mark's p.o.v.)
I was walking through the streets of Los Angeles. I was meeting Matt and Ryan at some restaurant downtown after I finished recording, and I was already late. I took out my phone to check the time as I rushed down the streets and then *BAM!* I crashed right into this poor girl.
Mark: Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
XX: Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it.
She got up as she laughed it off.
Mark: So, are you sure you're okay?
XX: Yeah, I'm okay. Anyways, don't feel bad, I was the one standing in the middle of the sidewalk. I was just looking at something over there.
She points towards a poster with a big violin on it on a post.
Mark: Okay. Hey, what's your name?
XX: My name's Lindsey. You?
Mark: Mark.
Lindsey: Well, Mark, I've got to go.
Mark: Yeah, me too. Well, maybe I'll see you later. Who knows.
Lindsey: Yeah, who knows.
We began walking in our opposite directions when she paused, turned around, and called out my name.
Lindsey: Hey Mark!
I came back over.
Lindsey: Hey, if you don't have anything to do tonight, I'm playing a concert. If you want, I could put your name on the list, and you could bring some friends. Just if you feel like it.
Mark: Yeah, sure. It sounds fun.
Lindsey: *she smiles* Okay. So, what's you last name?
Mark: Fischbach.
Lindsey: Do you mind writing it down?
Mark: No problem.
She fumbles around in her bag until she finds a pen, but she can't find any paper.
Lindsey: Uh...maybe just write it on my arm?
Mark: *chuckles* Okay.
I write my name on her arm with the pen, then hand it back to her.
Lindsey: Okay, I'll put your name on the list in case you want to come. And I'll tell them it's okay for you to bring a few friends.
Mark: Okay. Thanks.
Lindsey: Well, see ya later, maybe.
Mark: See ya.
We both leave again and I continue rushing down the street until I reach where Ryan and Matt are waiting. They're waiting outside, and seem a little irritated.
Ryan: Hey, what took you so long?
Mark: Recording went a little bit longer than expected. Plus I accidentally ran over this girl. I had to make sure she was okay.
Ryan: With a car!?
Mark: No! On the sidewalk.
Ryan: Okay. Well, let's eat.
He nudges me with his elbow. I just glare at him.
Ryan: Bad joke. I know.
Then we go in and eat. It was pretty good and we walk out pretty stuffed.
Matt: Hey, what do you guys want to do now?
Ryan: I don't know. Mark?
Mark: Hmm...
I think for a minute, and then remember Lindsey's concert.
Mark: Hey, the girl I ran into earlier, she said she was doing a concert tonight. She put my name in the list and said I could bring some friends. Does that sound good?
Ryan: Sounds good to me. Matt?
Matt: Let's do it!
Ryan: Wait, did she tell you where it was?
Mark: Crap.
Matt: Hey, just look up Lindsey, LA concert. Something will come up.
I do what he says and sure enough, we find something.
Ryan: hey, is that her?
He points to a girl holding a violin in a picture that came up.
Mark: Yeah!
We click on it and it takes us to her tour dates.
Lindsey Stirling: Music Box Tour. Hm.
Soon, we find the time and venue.
Ryan: Well, let's go.
We got there during the middle of the opening act.
Ticket booth dude: Tickets?
Mark: My name is on the list.
TB Dude: What's you name?
Mark: Mark Fischbach.
TB Dude: Hm... Is this it?
He points to a name on the list.
Mark: Yes.
TB Dude: And are these your two friends?
He gestures to Matt and Ryan.
Mark: Yeah.
He checks off some things and enters in some things. Then he hands us three tickets.
TB Dude: Here's your tickets and your seat numbers. The people inside will show you where to sit.
We walk away as Ryan looks at the tickets.
Ryan: Holy shit dude! She got us front row seats!
Matt: Woah, really?
Ryan: Yeah! Mark, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm happy you ran over that girl on the sidewalk.
Mark: *laughs a little* Yeah. Me too.
Matt: Let's get in there!
We go in and are shown our seats. During the rest of the opening act, we look at different websites about her.
Matt: So she is a "hip-hop violinist" who was kicked off America's Got Talent. And then posted videos on YouTube. Well, that's definitely interesting.
Ryan: Yeah. Let's look at one of her videos.
They then pulled up a few of her music videos and holy crap her music was cool. Then the lights died down and we turned the phone off. When she came on, she looked amazing. And she looked over to where we were sitting, and smiled at us, and we smiled back. Each of the songs she performed were so cool and got us dancing in our seats like idiots. And they each had an equally cool performance. She was actually dancing while she played the violin! It was amazing! And she played what she called her "nerd medley" where she played songs from different video games with the YouTube videos playing in the back. It was awesome! Then she talked about her next song, which apparently was called "Transcendence," which was a fitting name for what the song was about. Then when the spotlight turned off, so nobody could see her, she actually ran over to us, smiled, and handed me a piece of paper. Ryan and Matt both looked at me. While she started playing, I opened up the folded piece of paper. It read:
Hey, glad you could make it! Here's my phone number. I'd love to talk more to you.
-Lindsey :)
It had a phone number on it.
Ryan: So, what does it say?
Mark: It has her phone number on it.
Matt: Oooo... Mark's got a badass violining girlfriend.
Mark: Shut up.
I did laugh a little at his remark though. We continued watching the concert. I actually found myself tearing up a little at the last song. It was such a powerful song and when she "broke free" from the glass snow globe, it was really beautiful. Afterwards, we drove back to our house in Ryan's car. He started blasting her music as me and Matt started dancing around like idiots. We couldn't help it and Ryan just started laughing at us.
Ryan: You two are goofs. I hope you know that.
Mark: We know.
When we got home, we all said good night and flopped into bed. I put the piece of paper on my bedside table and probably stared at it for about fifteen minutes. Then I sat up and put it into my phone. Then I sent her a text.
Mark: Hey, loved the show tonight! It was awesome!
It had been a few minutes, and then my phone buzzed.
Lindsey: Thanks! I'm really glad you could make it. I'll talk to you tomorrow. :)
Then I smiled, put my phone down, and fell right asleep.

A/N: I hope this first chapter was at least okay. This isn't really a pair that we see, but I thought it might be interesting. And I don't know if Mark and Lindsey know each other irl, but for the sake of this, this is their first meeting. So yeah. I hope you enjoyed it. :)

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