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(Jack p.o.v.)
I walked along the pier with Mark, waiting for the girls to get here. I was actually kind of nervous. I mean, what if she didn't like me? What if she thought I was weird? Or what if I wasn't dressed up enough? It would look like I didn't care! I was only wearing my blue hoodie and some jeans and converse. Not exactly gentlemanly attire. Ugh. My mind was racing, thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong. But then I saw them start walking toward us.
(Brooke p.o.v.)
Me and Lindsey were walking along the pier, looking for the guys. It was weird because I was actually kind of nervous. I mean, what if he didn't like me? What if he thought I was weird? Or what if I wasn't dressed up enough? It would look like I didn't care! I was only wearing a white t-shirt and blue capris. Not exactly ladylike attire. Ugh. My mind was racing, thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong. But then I saw them turn around toward us.
(Jack p.o.v.)
She was actually really pretty. And she was wearing just as casual clothes as I was, which was comforting. Then she walked up to me.
Brooke: Hi, I'm Brooke. You must be...Jack?
She held out her hand, and then blushed a little as I just stood there in awe. Then Mark pushed me towards her a little and I jumped, grabbing her hand.
Jack: Uh...yeah. I'm Jack. It's nice to meet you.
Why the heck was I so nervous? She giggled a little and shook my hand.
Lindsey: Let's go! Adventure awaits!
She yelled out and then we all started walking. Mark and Lindsey were ahead of us, talking in slightly quieter voices than usual. I wonder why. Meanwhile, me and Brooke were talking quite a bit. She seemed to think what I did was cool, so I talked about that for a bit. And she talked about the crazy adventures she had on Lindsey's tour bus. My favorite story of her's was the one about "Half-Christmas." I couldn't stop laughing after that one. Then we just started goofing around, making funny faces and doing silly dance moves. It felt nice to not care what the other person thought of my weirdness, because they were part of it. I was having the time of my life.
(Mark p.o.v.)
Lindsey: So, you think they like each other?
We looked back and saw Jack doing one of the weirdest dance moves I had ever seen while Brooke was laughing her ass off while doing an equally silly dance down the pier.
Mark: My gut is telling me yes.
Lindsey giggled a little.
Lindsey: Well, it's good that he's having fun. Breakups suck. They really put you in a mood.
Mark: Yeah. But it feels nice when you finally move forward from it.
Lindsey: Yeah. I'm just hoping that I don't need to move forward from it for a very long time.
This time I chuckled a little.
Mark: Yeah, I get what you mean.
Then we walked towards what seemed to be an arcade.
Jack: Oooo! Let's go to the arcade! Play some games and stuff!
So sure enough, that's what we did. So we all walked in and got some tokens, and then we all split up. Me and Lindsey went one way while Jack and Brooke went another way. Then me and Lindsey walked up to one of the machines, put in some tokens, and started playing.
Lindsey: So, what do you think about my sick gaming skills?
She looked up at me, expecting a response.
Mark: Is that a challenge?
Lindsey: Why yes, sir, it is.
Mark: Oh it's on! And I have to warn you, I am the king of five nights at Freddy's.
Lindsey: Okay. Well I guess it's too bad they don't have five nights at Freddy's then.
I snicker at her and then we go over to one of the multiplayer games. We both fought hard, and played to the best of our ability. But alas, only one could come out victorious, and that was...her.
Lindsey: Ha! I knew I could beat you!
Mark: You just got lucky!
Lindsey: Oh okay. Well then, let's go see how they're doing.
We walk around looking for Jack and Brooke until we see them next to a claw machine. Jack's hand is resting on top of Brooke's and Lindsey pushes me over so we can watch without them seeing us. Then I see Jack lean towards her and pull her in. After he kiss away, she's blushing and smiling like crazy, but she ends up kissing him back. And then they're both blushing and smiling. Then Lindsey turns to me.
Lindsey: Well, I'd say that we might be, you know, the ultimate matchmakers...
I chuckle a little at her remark.
Mark: Yeah, I'd say that too.
She holds up her hand and we high five. But then she pulls my hand into a hand hug, and eventually pulls me down to her. We kiss for a minute before we hear Brooke and Jack.
Jack: Hey, are you two love birds coming or not?
I pull away briefly and turn to him.
Mark: Just a second.
Then I turn back to Lindsey.
Mark: What say you madam?
She laughs a little.
Lindsey: Just give me a minute.
Then she pulls me back in.
A/N: Hope you liked that. It was definitely more of a cutesy chapter but it was pretty fun to write. Let me know what you think. ;)

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