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(Mark p.o.v.)
I came downstairs for breakfast and I heard crying. I walked down a little bit faster and saw Jack laying on the couch, crying into a pillow. I sat down next to him and out my hand on his back.
Mark: Hey. What's wrong.
Jack: My girlfriend broke up with me...
He said it in between sobs, which got significantly harder when he said it.
Mark: Aw, I'm sorry Jack. Hey, how about we go out today and just run around doing random stuff, and then we can go out tonight. Just have a fun time. Does that sound good?
He nodded a little, then sat up to face me.
Jack: Hey, do you think I could ask for a favor?
Mark: Shoot.
Jack: Do you think I could stay here a bit longer? It's fine to say no, it's just I like being around all you guys and I think it might help.
Mark: Dude, it's no problem. You can stay as long as you like.
His face lit up a bit.
Jack: Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you...
Then he came in for a hug. Once he let go, I got up to go the kitchen.
Mark: I'm going to make breakfast okay? Anything specific you want?
Jack: Well, I think it would make me feel a lot better if we had cake for breakfast...
Mark: Waffles it is.

(A week in the future)

As promised, we had spent that day doing crazy shit, and he seemed a bit happier than he had that morning. But throughout the rest of the week, I think it really hit him.
Mark: What do you think I should do? I don't want to see him just cut out the world because of this.
Lindsey: Maybe we could do a double date sort of thing. It might get him back out there a bit, you know?
Mark: Hm...yeah that could work. But who would he go with?
Lindsey: Hm...lets see...wait! I've got a sister who would probably come.
Mark: Okay, what's her name?
Lindsey: Brooke. She's really nice, I think Jack would like her. Plus she's a great person to be around when you're feeling down.
Mark: Okay, sounds good.
Lindsey: So, does tonight at 7 work?
Mark: Yup, it should.
Lindsey: Okay, it's a date.
We hung up and I went to go tell Jack the news. He was curled up in a ball on his bed.
Mark: Hey.
Jack: Hey.
He sat up and I sat next to him on the bed.
Mark: So, I was thinking that maybe you should try to get yourself out there again. Try to meet someone new, you know?
Jack: How do you suppose I do that?
Mark: Simple, come on a double date with me and Lindsey.
Jack: And who would I be going with?
Lindsey: She has a sister who she thinks you'll like either in that way, or as a friend.
Jack: Okay, fine.
Mark: Well, we're leaving at 7. So you should get yourself cleaned up.
I pat him on the back and left the room. I was determined to make tonight go perfectly for him.
(Jack p.o.v.)
It was nice that Mark and Lindsey were doing this for me. I had heard Lindsey talking about her sister. From what she had heard, she sounded nice. I don't know what to do though. Do I approach her in a friendly way, or more romantic? Would she want me to be more romantic? I mean, it is a "date." Am I actually ready for something romantic? Maybe not. But would she be disappointed if I was more friendly? Dear god, this isn't helping. I can't handle this on my own. I need someone else's input. So I get up, and walk over to Mark's room. Then I peak my head in through the door.
Jack: Hey Mark.
Mark: Hey man, what's up?
Jack: Uh...
Now I step completely into the room and close the door.
Jack: Well, I was wondering how you think I should go about on this..."date." Like, do you think I should be more friendly towards her, or maybe a bit romantic? Since you know, it IS a date.
Mark: I'd say just whatever you're ready for. But really, just wait and see what happens and let it unfold. Like our panels. Never planned out, always awesome and funny.
Jack: offense Mark, but I don't really want this to end like any of our panels.
Mark makes an offended face, even though he's obviously joking.
Mark: Well, I see how it is.
I laugh a little at his drama.
Jack: Okay. Well, I'll take your advice. I'll let it unfold, whether it's a good plan or not.
Mark: 'Atta boy. Well, go get ready! It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as it's not pajamas!
I look down at myself to see that I am in fact still wearing my pajamas.
Jack: Good point. You think a hoodie and jeans will be fine?
Mark: Yup. Anything's fine.
Jack: Okay. So, you didn't tell me where we're going.
Mark: We thought we'd go to the pier. Sounded nice.
Jack: Yeah, sounds good. Well, I'll be back.
Mark: Okay.
(Lindsey p.o.v.)
Brooke: So, pretty much, you set me up on a double date with you and your boyfriend, and his Irish friend. Is that it?
Lindsey: Yeah, pretty much.
Brooke: his friend cute?
Lindsey: Well, as a taken woman, I would be inclined to say no. But yeah, he is. I think you'll like him.
Brooke: What makes you think that?
Lindsey: You're both weird and quirky.
Brooke: Then why aren't you dating him?
Lindsey: Hey! What are you trying to say?
Brooke: That you're weird and quirky.
Lindsey: Oh. Okay then.
Brooke: Well, any ideas on what I should wear?
Lindsey: Pier attire because that's where we're going.
Brooke: Okay. Give me a minute.
She goes to her closet and picks out some clothes and puts them on.
Brooke: Are these okay?
Lindsey: Very.
Brooke: Very okay. Good.
Lindsey: Okay, well I think you're all set.
Brooke: Oh, one more thing.
Lindsey: Hm?
Brooke: How should I act around him? Should I be more friendly or romantic?
Lindsey: Well, he just broke up with his girlfriend, so don't push him. If it's going in that direction and you want it to, then go for it. Just be mindful that he might not want that right now. But I think he'll like you at least in a friendly way.
Brooke: Well, that's good to hear. Well, I still have a few more things to do.
Lindsey: Okay. Well, I'll see you later.
Brooke: See ya.
A/N: Big story altering question: Should Jack and Brooke become a thing or not? Let me know, I want to know your opinions. Also, I saw Jack's current girlfriend has been getting shit from fans (I saw some guy calling her a whore on Twitter). And it makes me sad because she seems like a pretty nice girl and is happy with Jack. So, yeah. I guess just be nice to her. Also, she needs to teach me how to do winged eyeliner. :P

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