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(Mark p.o.v.)
The next day, I invited Lindsey over to talk. Jack was pretty much my wingman at this point. And he made sure that him, Matt, and Ryan were out of the house when she came over. She came a few minutes after they all left.
Lindsey: Hey!
Mark: Hey.
Lindsey: So, you said you wanted to talk?
Mark: Yeah, come in.
We went into the living room and she sat on the couch while I got us both some water. Then I sat down beside her.
Lindsey: So, what's up?
Mark: Do you like me?
She seemed pretty taken aback by the question.
Lindsey: H-How do you mean?
Mark: Well, like that I guess. goes nothing...I like you. A lot. And I wanted to know if you felt the same.
This time she thought for a moment. She seemed rather startled by the whole conversation, and quite honestly I couldn't blame her. I had been a bit...sudden.
Lindsey: Well, yeah. I do. Like you like that, I mean.
Mark: Well, in that case...I was wondering if you wanted to be my...please say yes, please say yes...girlfriend.
Oddly enough, this time, a small smile crept onto her face.
Lindsey: I would be honored to be your official girlfriend.
She did a dorky little bow and I laughed.
Mark: Well, now that the awkward is out of the way...wanna play some games?
(Many hours later)
After Lindsey left, I had about an hour to myself before the guys got back. So as any responsible, mature adult would do...I watched Netflix and scrolled through Twitter. I kind of wanted to say something about my new situation, but I feel like that could probably wait a bit. I've noticed it doesn't seem to end well so it'd probably be something to talk about. Then finally, Jack, Ryan, and Matt got home. Matt and Ryan said hi to me, and then went upstairs to do something. However, Jack jumped over the couch and sat next to me, looking at me excitedly.
Jack: did it go?
He raised his eyebrows as he said it. God, he was way to excited about this.
Mark: Well, someone may or may not have found a very pretty, funny, talented, awesome girlfriend...
Jack did a dramatic gasp when I said it.
Jack: O. M. G. Girliplier confirmed!
I laughed at him and then he went back to normal Jack.
Jack: Well, I'm happy for you man.
Mark: Thanks.
Jack: So, did she stay long after?
Mark: About an hour. Why?
Jack: Well you know. A lot can happen in an hour.
Mark: Yeah, like me getting a girlfriend.
Jack: A lot MORE can happen in an hour.
Mark: For gods sake! YOU, my good sir, are what some would call a sick bastard.
Jack: And you, my good sir, are what some would call a lucky bastard.
Mark: Well, you got me there.
There was a brief silence, interrupted by the one and only, Jack.
Jack: So, just to be clear, no making out occurred on this couch?
Mark: Oh shut up.

Together (Markiplier x Lindsey Stirling)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant