The Beginning

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This story starts of with a group of friends who get a strange phone call from their old middle school to go alone and come and help out the school. But that's not going to happen.

"Where is everyone?" Kelsey asks. "I don't know maybe we're just early." Emma shrugged. "But isn't it kinda weird that the school called our parents to drop us at our old school and they tell them to let us walk alone?" Kelsey asks. "It doesn't seem like anything is wrong." Anthony piped in. "So let me get this straight, you don't find it weird that the school tells us not to come set up,then they call back and tell us to come set up and walk alone at night? You don't find that weird?" Emma asks. "No, I don't find it weird." Anthony answers back. "You're an idiot." Emma said blankly. "YOU HAVE NO-" "Will you guys cut it out?! It'll save you guys some black eyes and broken bones." Kelsey cut off. "As if she could-" "HEY! If you don't cut it out, I'll let Emma give you a black eye and a matching broken bone to go with it." Kelsey stated. He stopped talking. "Bitch." Anthony mumbled under his breath. "WILL YOU JUST SHUT-" "Hey did you guys hear that?" Michael asked. Everyone looked around in confusion. "What are you talking about Michael, there's nobody he-" Jeremiah stopped talking. The faint sound of footsteps approached them. Out of the shadows came 7 people. 5 guys, 1 girl, and 1 boy around their age. "Who are you?" Anthony tried to ask bravely, but his voice faltered. "Just shut up. Why we're here doesn't matter, we just have a goal." A man stepped forward and smiled. His smile spoke nothing but insanity. "Just leave us alone you asshole!" Kelsey shouted. "I wouldn't have done that if I were you sweetheart." Another man stepped forward. He grabbed a gun from his friend and shot at the sky. "You're next." The man smiled. Then it happened so suddenly, the strange people lunged at them and the kids turned and ran. "HELP!" Gelana screamed. Jeremiah turned around and tried to run back to save Gelana. He felt an arm pull him harshly and like that, Gelana was taken away.

Emma ran through the school, she didn't want to get caught. She couldn't. Not now. She ran down the halls of her old school and began to search. She looked around at where she was while running, trying to stay low and not be seen. As she was running down the halls, she saw Anthony get knocked out by one of the men. She quietly crouched down and ran in a different direction. She ran and saw Michael being dragged away. She ran away from all the commotion only to see Jeremiah get grabbed into a hallway. She began freaking out. Everyone was being taken left and right. Her heart was beating wildly and she was breathing heavily. She wondered where Kelsey was, hoping that she didn't get kidnapped. A scream broke her thoughts and instantly knew it was Kelsey. She followed the sound of the scream and when she arrived, she saw Kelsey trying to break free from one of the men's grasp. She quickly ran up to him and punched them in the face. "Come on! We have to go find Gelana and the boys!" Emma shouted. Kelsey nodded in agreement and the both began to run. While they were searching, the man Kelsey escaped from had almost caught up to them. Kelsey turned to look at the man and continued running. "Emma, I'm sorry." Kelsey panted. "What for?" Emma asked. "For this." Kelsey turned and began to run towards the man chasing after. Emma tried to follow her, but knew better. She hid behind a wall and watched the man knock Kelsey out. She made sure she was at a good enough distance to not be seen, but gave herself enough distance to still keep the man in her sights. After following the man, she arrived at the girl's locker room. She peeked around the corner and saw Kelsey tied and gagged on the floor against the lockers. Two of the men were talking to each other and one of them pointed in her direction. Emma realized that they had seen her and tried to run away, but one of the men ran over to her and grabbed her. She tried to resist, but their grip was too strong. They grabbed her by the leg and yanked her to the floor. Emma tried to punch them, but they just slammed her repeatedly to the floor. Emma raised a hand to her head and felt a warm liquid running down her face. They picked her and tried taking her away. She held onto the lockers while being dragged, earning bloody fingers and knuckles. She decided that there was no use in fighting anymore, as she was losing blood. She let go and blacked out.

Emma woke up tied down to a chair. She observed her surroundings and saw Kelsey and Gelana tied down to a chair like she was. They were back to back and in a circle. She looked in front of her and saw one of the men and the girl standing there with guns.  "Don't try anything or else." The man warned. "Kyle calm down it's not like they can do anything." The girl said. "Oh come on Kaya, you saw what the blonde one was capable of, you don't know what the other two can do!" Kyle shouted. The two adults started arguing with each other. "Hey." Emma tried to catch their attention, but the two continues to argue. "HEY!" Emma shouted. The two stopped and looked at her. "Can I get some water please?" She asked. "How do we know that you're not going to try something?" Kyle squinted at her. "Alright look, I've ran for about an hour before being knocked unconscious, I've been here since 6 and it's 8, the last thing I had to drink was a glass of orange juice so could you both stop being a pair of assholes and just let me get some fucking water?!" Emma raised her voice slightly. Kyle and Kaya looked at each other and nodded. "Alright, but don't try anything." Kaya stated. They untied Emma and followed her to the back of the room, where the water fountain was. As Emma leaned down get water, she looked behind her and kicked Kyle where the sun don't shine. She kneed Kaya in the gut and grabbed both of their guns. She ran to her friends and untied the ropes from their wrists. They ran out of the room and started searching for their other friends.

"Kels, do you know how to shoot a gun?" Emma asked. "I think so." Kelsey responded. "That'll have to do." Emma handed her the second gun. "Gelana, do you know where the boys are?"Emma asked. "Yeah, they're in the cafeteria." The three of them started running towards the said area. Once they arrived, they pushed the doors open and shot the three guys in the room. They ran over to there friends and untied them. "Let's go!" Emma shouted. The six of them ran to the band room and hid. "There were two other guys weren't there?" Anthony asked. "They're probably outside guarding or something." Kelsey stated. "Those people have a car in the parking lot. We can use that to get out!" Michael said. "But we don't have the keys!" Emma ran a hand through her hair. "I have them." Jeremiah piped in. Everyone looked at each other confusedly. "I'm not even going to ask." Kelsey mumbled. They ran towards the car and as expected, the other two men were outside guarding the car. Kelsey shot them done and Emma quickly picked up their guns and ammo and ran to the car. Emma dove into the driver's seat with the keys and waited for everyone to get in. She handed a gun to Kelsey and started the engine. Kelsey saw a bag under the seat, and inside she found extra ammo and an extra gun. She put her gun inside and closed the bag. "HURRY UP AND DRIVE!" Kelsey shouted. Emma started the car and got out of the parking lot. "What the hell just happened?" Michael asked. "I don't know, but if I black out can someone take over for me?" Emma asked. "Don't worry, I've got you." Kelsey asked. They drove for miles not knowing where they were going. Emma's vision started getting blurry and she felt herself pulling over. Last thing she saw was Kelsey getting out of the car before she passed put.

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