Mixed Feelings

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"Here to help us my ass. Emma, don't listen to this bullshit." Kelsey said coldly. "I'm just here to help." He looked her straight in the eye. "Why the hell should we believe you? You've already killed 3 of my friends. What gives me the reason to believe anything you say?" Kelsey asked angrily. "I'M LOSING MY PATIENCE WITH YOU!" He shouted angrily back. "If you're losing your patience then just deliver the damn message you came here for." Kelsey said calmly. The guy took a deep breath to calm himself down and started talking. "Well my name is Thomas. Yes I'm one of those people who killed your friends. My friend and I decided to let you have a safe place to stay. A shelter of some sort. There is an abandoned building a few miles from here. It shouldn't take you long to get there. Inside, there is a hole with a ladder. You're going to climb down the ladder and it'll lead you to a bunker. It'll be your shelter. I promise no harm will come to you if you go there." Thomas explained. "And why should we believe you?" Emma asked coldly. "We're giving you a free opportunity to have some protection. Why not take it?" He asked. "Um...because you chased us all over our school, tied us up, and killed 3 of our friends. Violently might I add." Kelsey explained. "Well think about our offer. I promise you no harm will come to you." Thomas held his hand up signaling his promise. "Put both your hands up, I want to see if you're not crossing your fingers." Emma commanded. He held both his hands up. "What happens if we don't take your offer?" Anthony asked. "Well it's your loss." Thomas said simply. "Well I must go now. Think about my offer." Thomas said, walking away.

"This is a bad idea." Kelsey stated. "Why should we believe anything he says? He killed half of our group and he expects us to believe him?!" Kelsey said angrily. "I think it's a good idea." Anthony mumbled. "Please tell why you think that. I'd love to hear why." Kelsey said sarcastically. "Well he obviously didn't have any weapons and he's offering us a place to stay, with protection. Why not take his offer?" Anthony asked. Kelsey laughed, "You actually think that Thomas, or whatever the hell his name was, is being honest? Anthony don't be stupid." "Don't call me stupid." He mumbled angrily. "Well do you hear yourself? You're practically asking for a death wish if you really think that going there is a good idea." Kelsey said. The two argued with each other, and all through all this Emma watched. She decided that enough was enough. She stood up and stood between the two of them. "I'll go okay?! You can come with me if you want, but you can't change my mind. I've already made my decision." She said irritably. Kelsey grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "I'm going with you." She said firmly. "We stick together right?" Kelsey smiled softly. "Yea, because we're all in this together." Emma sang lightly. The two chuckled softly. "So you do think it's a good idea." Anthony said happily. Kelsey smile faded away as quick as it came. She rolled her eyes and turned to him, "I said I'm going with Emma. I never said it was a good idea." "Well I'm going with you guys. You need a bodyguard of some sort." Anthony said arrogantly. Kelsey rolled her eyes and turned around, not feeling like arguing again. "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Emma started walking.

Kelsey turned to Anthony once Emma was out of sight. "We don't need a bodyguard." "Well you and Emma are just girls, you need some protection." Anthony insisted. "Okay so let me get this straight, you think that just because we're girls we can't protect ourselves?" Kelsey asked irritably. "That's not what I meant." Anthony mumbled. "Then what did you mean?" Kelsey asked, crossing her arms. Anthony stayed silent and just looked down. "Exactly." Kelsey turned around and started walking away.

Surely enough Thomas was right, there was an abandoned building a few miles away from the hotel. The three pulled up to the building and got out of the car. "I still have a bad feeling about this place." Kelsey mumbled. "What can go wrong?" Anthony asked. "Anything and everything." She said plainly. "We'll be fine. Now come on let's get inside." The three walked inside the building. "Alright, Thomas said that there's a hole with a ladder that will lead us down to a bunker. So let's split up and search for the ladder." Emma planned out. The three dispersed and started looking around. "I found it!" Kelsey called out. The other two walked over to her and looked down the hole. "So who wants to go first?" Emma asked. "I'll go." Anthony volunteered. "I'll go down to check to see if it's safe." Anthony started climbing down the ladder. The two stood there waiting for the results. After a minute of silence, they heard a scream. "That must be Anthony. He probably saw something." The two climbed down and searched the area. They switched on their flashlights and looked around. Kelsey moved her flashlight and gasped. She jerked back in fear and covered her mouth. "Kels, what is it?" Emma asked. Kelsey shakily raised up her flashlight. The light shone on Anthony's dead body. A knife was in his chest, a pool of blood surrounding him. Emma stared at his dead body. She honestly had no idea how to feel. She took a sideways glance at Kelsey and tried reading her face, but it was unreadable. "I think we should sit down for a bit." Emma and Kelsey sat on one of the beds and sighed.

"How are you feeling?" Emma asked. Kelsey stayed silent for a bit before speaking up, "I don't know what I should be feeling. I mean I should be happy, the guy who caused so much unwanted shit in our life is dead now, but there's just something inside me that says something else. I wanna feel happy, but my heart is telling me otherwise." "Do you truly feel happy that he's gone now?" Emma asked. "I don't know." Kelsey dug her head into her hands, a few tears slipping out. "Even though he put me through a lot, that doesn't mean I don't care. He may have put me through hell, but I can't just forget the memories we had in the past." A few more tears fell from her eyes. "I don't want to feel like I care for him, but that feeling won't shake off." Kelsey shook. "I get it. You want to feel happy that he's gone, that he's finally out of your life, but your past with him changes that." Emma summed up. "I don't know anymore. I can't just shake off all the memories from the past." Kelsey lifted her head up. "If I knew he would be gone, I would've forgave him. I don't want to know that I wasn't able to make amends with him. It's just eating away it my conscious. I don't want to remember fighting with him as my last words to him. It doesn't matter that he hurt me, I just don't want to say goodbye to someone knowing that I was on bad turf with them." Kelsey sighed. "I think we should get going, this scene seems to be a bit too much for you to handle right now." Emma stood off, brushing off dirt. Kelsey stood up and took one last glance at Anthony's body. She wiped away her tears and started walking away. I forgive you.

The two started walking  down the hallway that was connected to the bunker. As they were walking something shot at them, but it wasn't a bullet. "Um...Emma?" Kelsey asked. "Yeah?" She responded. "There's a dart in my neck." Kelsey mumbled. She staggered a bit before falling to the ground unconscious. Emma grabbed her gun and looked around. She saw a figure in the dark and shot at it. The figure fell to the floor and Emma walked over to it. She saw that it was the Asian dude from the school. She shot him one more time before turning around. As she was walking over to Kelsey, she felt something sting in the back of her neck. She felt around the back of her neck and realized she was shot with a dart too. She turned around and started stumbling. Black spots and red lines started to appear in her vision. Before she fell, she made an outline of a figure walking towards her. Her vision went blurry and she fell to the ground unconscious.

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