Nothing's The Same Anymore

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"It's been a few days since the disappearance of the seven kids and seven adults from Terrace Hills Middle School. The police have been on an investigation for days, but have come up clueless multiple times. If anyone has any information on the incident, please contact the police. Thank you." Kelsey read off her phone. "Great, now they're searching for us." Anthony mumbled. "Well what do you expect? We've been gone and they heard gunshots, what else would they do?" Emma asked. "Whatever." Anthony rolled his eyes. "Pull in here, there's a mall, there should be a food court where we can eat." Kelsey said quietly. The car pulled into the mall and they got out of the car and searched for the food court.

As they walked around the mall, two of the people from the school were there. Emma nudged Kelsey and pointed towards their direction. She summoned Anthony and Michael. "We're going out the back door, we can risk our chance of them seeing us." Kelsey whispered. "Anthony, I want you to get the car started and bring it to the back so we can get out of here and find our next destination." Kelsey said quietly. He nodded and they started running towards the back door. Anthony pulled in with the car and Kelsey and Emma got in. "Wait where's Michael?" Kelsey asked. They looked out the window and saw Michael step on his shoelace and fall to the ground. "MICHAEL YOU DUMB ASS! I TOLD YOU TO TIE YOUR DAMN SHOE LACES! NOW HURRY AND GET IN THE DAMN CAR!" Kelsey shouted. Right as he stood up, three gun shots were fired.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

And just like that, Michael fell to the ground, three bullet wounds straight through his back. Emma jumped out of the car and started firing at the two people who shot down their friend. The man fell to the ground, a bullet straight through him. "DYLAN!" The girl shouted. Emma shot at her and she fell to the ground. Emma put down her gun and dropped to her knees next to Michael. "MICHAEL!" She screamed, tears started to stream down her face. "EMMA GET IN THE CAR, THOSE PEOPLE CAN COME AFTER US." Kelsey shouted. "I"M NOT LEAVING MICHAEL!" She shouted. "EMMA YOU HAVE TO GET IN THE CAR! I'M NOT LEAVING HERE WITHOUT YOU!" Kelsey yelled. "WELL YOU MIGHT AS WELL STAY HERE BECAUSE I'M NOT MOVING!" She yelled back. Kelsey opened her car door and walked out. She crouched down and put her hand on Emma's shoulder. "Emma please, I don't want to lose you too." Kelsey pleaded. Reluctantly, Emma stood up and got into the car. Kelsey got in and scooted over and gave her a hug. She didn't say anything because she knew that there is nothing that's going to heal her after this. Tears started to stream down her face. There's nothing we can do anymore to stop this. "Start driving Anthony." Kelsey said softly.

Emma fell asleep and it was just Kelsey and Anthony. "You doing alright?" Anthony asked her. "Oh, so now you decide to be nice to me." Kelsey laughed coldly. "I'm just trying to help." Anthony defended. "You obviously weren't doing that at the motel or cabin." Kelsey mumbled. Anthony sighed and looked at Kelsey. "What's your problem?" He asked. Kelsey looked at him with confusion and anger. "What's my problem? Three of my close friends are dead, my parents are worried sick, and I don't know what to do anymore." Kelsey yelled. And just like that, she broke down. "I'm sorry." Anthony whispered. "It's too late for that now." Kelsey whispered.

They pulled into a hotel and got a room. "So what are we going to do now? We've lost half our group and there are still two of the bastards out there." Kelsey walked around their room. "Honestly I don't even know anymore. I'm running out of ideas." Emma mumbled. "Any ideas Anthony?" Kelsey asked. He just shook his head and stared out the window. "Well then what the hell are we going to then? We have no ideas and we can't stay in this hotel forever." Emma threw her arms up. "Maybe we could-" Before Kelsey could finish her sentence a knock came from their door. "I'll go check who it is." Emma got off the bad and looked through the peep hole. Emma's eyes widened and she backed away from the door. "It's one of those bastards who's chasing us!" Emma whispered. "What the hell is he doing here?!" Kelsey whispered. "I don't know but just get your gun and get ready to shoot." Emma whispered. Kelsey grabbed her gun and nodded at Emma. She opened the door and there he was. One of the bastards who planned all of this misery. "Hey guys." He waved. "Why are you here accent boy?" Kelsey asked. "I'm not here to start a fight here, I just came to deliver a message." He held his hands up in surrender. "You can tell your friend over their that she can put her gun down and relax." The man told Emma. She looked at Kelsey and Kelsey shook her head. "Sorry, but my friend won't take her guard down." Emma said coldly. "If that makes her feel more at ease then so be it." He said calmly. "What the hell do you want anyways?" Emma asked. "I'm here to help you." He stated.

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