Tension and A Strange Car Ride

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The next morning, the gang met up at the car. "Alright so where are we headed off to?" Anthony asked. "We're headed to my Grandma's cabin in Oregon. She has stashes of money in the cabin that we can get and clothes that we can use. It's in the woods and it's pretty isolated, so we should be fine." Emma explained. "Is there any other place that we can go?" Anthony asked. "Sure, do you have any other place that we can go where it'll be safe?" Emma asked sweetly. Anthony just leaned against the car with a pissed off look on his face. Emma glanced at Kelsey and saw that she began to get uncomfortable. Gelana walked over to her and tried to comfort her. "Look, I don't want to argue with you because it's obviously making Kelsey feel uncomfortable, so can we just call it a truce?" Emma asked. Anthony rolled his eyes, but nodded in agreement. "Alright lets go, it's a long drive to Oregon." Emma unlocked the car and opened the door to the driver's seat. "Wait you're driving?" Anthony asked in disbelief. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Emma asked confused." I thought that it would be a good idea if I drove." Anthony held his arms up in defense. "What's wrong with my driving?" Emma asked. "Well you're a girl and you passed out, so I just thought it would be safer to drive." Anthony defended. Emma was about to step forward, but she felt an arm pull her back. She turned and saw Kelsey. "I'll handle this." Kelsey walked forward and looked at Anthony. "Okay so first off, that's a sexist pile of shit. Just because Emma's a girl she can't drive? That's some sexist bullshit right there. Second, you don't want her to drive because she passed out? She passed out against her will. She had blood loss. What did you expect?! That she wouldn't pass out after hitting her head on the floor twice, getting dragged while holding on to lockers and losing lots of blood, and fighting against a guy twice her size?! You think she wouldn't pass out after that?!" All eyes were on her and she turned to walk to the car. "You wouldn't have been like this if we were still together. You would be on my side. You would agree with me, but now you've changed. And I don't like it." Anthony stated. Kelsey turned around and looked him straight in the eye. "Yeah I would've been on your side. And I have been on your side a few times. But that's because I was mindless. I always agreed with you on everything because I tried being a good girlfriend to you, because I wanted our relationship to work. But you know what you did and I was stupid enough to go along with it and act like it was no big deal. I thought I was being a good girlfriend. But I realized that I wasn't being a good friend. I'm disgusted with myself because all I did was try to treat you right and I never thought about how I was treating my friends. And in the end, I realized that I was being a terrible friend. After the incident, I changed my ways and I'm glad I did. I'm extremely thankful that my friends even considered to let me back after how I treated them. And I don't really care that you don't like how I've changed. You can go suck a dick because I'm not going to change just because you don't like how I am now. I was quiet, but I wasn't blind." Kelsey turned around and walked to the passenger seat in the car. "You're a dick Anthony." Emma walked away from him, disgusted. "She tried to make you happy. She tried to be the perfect girlfriend for you. And what do you in return? You lie to her, you betray her, you hurt her. She saw that she was forgetting about us when she was dating you, just so she can make you happy. And she hated it, everyone could tell just by the look of her face. She realized that she wasn't being a good friend. And now you want her to go back to the way she was?! Where all she did was please you?! Did you ever consider what she went through to make you happy?! You want her to be miserable because when she realized she wasn't being a good friend to us she was completely miserable. We saw how miserable she was and we let her come back because we couldn't stand seeing her like that. Is that what you want?! For her to be miserable?! Just so she can make you happy?! I hope you realize how much of a dick you are." Gelana said disgusted. She walked to the car and sat down next to Jeremiah. "What the hell happened to you man?" Michael asked. Michael walked away, leaving Anthony in the middle of the parking lot, dumbfounded and lost.

The drive to Oregon was silent. You could feel the tension between Kelsey and Anthony. It was practically visible, as if you can see it. Everyone was pissed at Anthony. Scratch that, Anthony was pissed at himself. "Did you know that Hippo milk is pink?" Kelsey asked out of the blue. Everyone gave her a 'wtf' face and for a few minutes it was silent. "Well does it taste like strawberry milk or does just taste like regular milk?" Michael asked. "I doubt that it tasted like strawberry milk." Kelsey responded. "According to researchers at Cambridge University, it takes 3481 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop." Emma brought up. "Why do you know this?" Kelsey asked. "Well why do you know that Hippo milk is pink?" Emma fired back. Kelsey glared at her. "Touche." She smiled. "Did you know that it takes 42 hours for sloths to have sex?" Michael asked. "Did you know that the 2nd person to survive going over Niagara falls died by slipping on an orange peel?" Kelsey asked. "I think the sloth's fact wins." Michael pipes in. "I don't know, the hippo milk is a pretty good." Kelsey smiled. "No, no, no it's all about the tootsie pop." Emma contradicted. The three of them started arguing on whose fact was better. "Do you guys know what the plastic thing is at the end of shoelaces are?" Gelana piped in. "Oh you shouldn't have asked that Gelana." Jeremiah shook his head. The three arguing went dead silent and started to smile. Emma and looked at each other and nodded and Kelsey turned to signal Michael. Michael smiled and put his thumb up, understanding what was about to happen. "A-G-L-E-T, AGLET! DON'T FORGET IT!" The three of them sang. "Remember that finals day in eighth grade?" Michael asked. "How can we forget it?" Kelsey asked.


"Hey guys you ready for finals?" Kelsey asked. "No I'm gonna flunk my test." Michael answered. "Don't worry Mikey, your not alone." Jeremiah put his hand on Michael's shoulder, sighing. "Don't say that." Gelana said comfortingly. "Yea, you guys we'll do just fine." Emma piped in. For a few seconds it silent. "A-g-l-e-t, Aglet, don't forget it." Michael sang quietly. "A-g-l-e-t, Aglet, don't forget it." Kelsey sang. "A-g-l-e-t, Aglet." Michael and Kelsey sang looking at Emma."Don't forget it" Emma sang. The three of them sang, getting the occasional strange look from somebody walking by.

"And that is why I should be in a mental hospital." Kelsey concluded. "You don't belong in a mental hospital! Don't talk about your self like that Kels!" Gelana scolded. "Gelana, I talked about how hippo milk is pink. I think I should be in a mental hospital." Kelsey explained. "I should be there with you." Emma piped in. "So should I." Michael joined in. "Guys don't talk about yourselves like that! That's not nice!" Gelana scolded. "Sorry mom." Kelsey said childishly. "Wait Gelana's our mom?" Michael asked. "Yes Michael, Gelana's our mom. She gave birth to us when she was 1." Kelsey said sarcastically. "Seems legit." Michael nodded. They all laughed and continued driving.

They continued driving and a few hours later they pulled over to a rest stop. "Alright sleepy heads wake up." Kelsey called. The six of them went out of the car. "Wait, Gelana is it okay if you watch over the car? We don't want anyone to come and hijack it or anything." Emma asked. Gelana nodded sleepily and went back into the car and sat down. "What do you think those people want from us?" Kelsey asked. "I have no idea." Emma shook her head. "Do you think we'll be able to go home?" Kelsey asked Emma. "I don't really know. We don't know what those people are capable of." Emma responded. "So what's the plan after we leave th-" Kelsey's voice was cut off by a scream. The two girls looked at each other with wide eyes. "Gelana."

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