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Riley POV~

"You... what?!" i said shocked. "Yeah...i you a little bit" he said looking at his feet. "Is that why you and Juliet broke up?! Because of me?!" i yelled. "Yes...sorry" he said looking anywhere but my direction. "I know you and CC are like weird and i'm not going to ask you out but i just you had a right to know but i um yeah, i like you a lot and yeah thats that." He said as he sat on the couch. Him saying he wasn't going to ask me out hurt a lot and i didn't know why...did i like Andy back? I don't know. I sat next to him on the couch. "Its okay Andy" i said as i smiled. It was a little awkward sitting there and all but i didn't want it to be awkward tomorrow and stuff. We watched tv in silence, i didn't know what to say. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. "How the fuck could Andy Biersack like me, i'm a nobody, thats what i'm thinking" i laughed. "You are so much more than that and you know it" he smiled. A few minutes later i decided to leave.

When i got home i had a massive thinking session, did i like Andy? I'm not sure. I sat there for the majority of the night, thinking, pacing, working everything out. Tomorrow was my parents' funeral and here i was thinking about whether or not i had feelings for Andy, what a great daughter i am haha. At 3 am i gave up and i went to bed. It was however a rather sleepless night, a lot of tossing and turning.

I woke up and sighed, today i was burying my parents, how could i ever be prepared for that? I got out of bed and showered, put on a black dress, put my hair up and walked out the door and met Andy, he was driving us to the graveyard. "How're you doing honey?" he asked with sinserity in his voice. "i don't know anymore" i said bluntly. We drove and drove until we were there, people were there that i hadn't seen since i was little, they all looked so different. We got out and held roses in our hands, most of my family were there. Andy was the only one with me today, i didn't have the rest of the gang there to support me and that's okay because at the end of the day the only person i really wanted to be there for me was Andy. He had such a protecting layer about him and when i was with him, no one could hurt me anymore.

The funeral happened and at the end we all place roses on my family plot and i stood there crying, watching the patches of dirt that had so freshly been touched, cover my parents. Andy stood behind me, he put a rose down and then we walked back to the car, i sat in the passenger seat and just kind of sat there in silence for a few minutes, Andy was looking at me and i just didn't know what to say. After a while we still hadn't driven off, i just wanted to go, why wasn't he driving?! "GO!" i screamed. He just looked at me. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to yell...can we please leave?" i asked nicely. "Where to?" he asked. I thought for a moment, where do i go? I felt like i had no where. "Taco bell" i said. I had to say something, the silence was killing me, Andy smiled and began to drive, i sat there looking out the window at my parents' graves, i can't believe they're parents, the people who made me, the people who raised me, the people who taught me practically everything i knew, they were just...dead and i can never see them again.

We arrived at taco bell and i basically felt numb, i was empty, yet i wasn't at the same time. I sat down and just stared at the table. Andy was trying his hardest to distract me but it wasn't working, i was just, in my own little world, where things were so much easier. We got food although i  barely ate anything. We left within 40 minutes or so. He drove us to his drive way and i got out walking towards my house. "Riley, i don't think you should be alone...." Andy said worriedly. "I'll be fine, i promise. I'll text you later" i said as i walked towards my front door and unlocked it. I walked in and went to the bathroom. I drew myself a hot bath and poured a glass of wine. I got in and let the water burn my skin. It was slightly too hot but i couldn't be bothered putting more cold water in it. I sat there and thought, about everything that had happened within the last month. I was so happy and lately everything just kind of feels pointless.

I got out of the bath and put on my robe. I didn't even bother to get dry i just got out put on my robe and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked back upstairs to my studio. I sat in one of the chairs and sipped at the whiskey. It burnt my throat but it was soothing at the same time. I looked at all the instruments hanging up. I had a moment of anger and dove across the room screaming as i tore the guitars from the walls and kicked over chairs, ripping up songs i had written, it ended up with me in the middle of the floor sobbing leaning against the couch.

Andy's POV~
It's been a few hours since i've heard from Riley. I know shes grieving and all but knowing her past makes me worried. I went to her house and used my spare key to get in. All i could hear was sobbing. I ran upstairs and ran towards the studio where the cries were coming from. I stood in the door way. Riley was on the floor sobbing her eyes out, her face red, eyes puffy, struggling to breathe. The room was a mess. Instruments broken on the floor. Papers ripped in half. Chairs all over the place. Picture frames smashed. I ran in and cradled Riley in my arms. "Shhh you'll be okay sh sh sh, you'll be okay darling, i'm here" i said as i held her in my arms and played with her hair. "Please let me die" she cried out. Hearing the pain in her voice honestly broke my heart. She doesn't deserve so much pain. I sat there and started singing Saviour to her softly. She slowly started calming down. I ended up rocking her back and forth between my arms, i know when my mum did that it was always comforting. "Come on, lets stand up sweetie" i said calmly as i held her hand to help her up. She stood up and just jumped into my arms hugging me. I hugged her back. We were there for a good 5 minutes. We walked out and i shut the door behind us. I walked her to her room and sat her on her bed.

She just stared blankly at the wall. I went in her closet and got out a falling in reverse t-shirt and some pj shorts and handed them to her as well as her underwear. "You put these on i'll be right outside the door okay" i said as i handed her the clothes. Within minutes she said i could come in. I sat on the bed next to her and she just leaned into my side and hugged me. "You won't be sad forever, Riley" i said softly. "Please stay with me" she whispered as she hugged me tighter. "I promise" i whispered back. We laid down in her bed and i held her in my arms singing to her as she slowly fell into a sleep.

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