The date

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Riley's POV~

I kissed Andy, and when i kissed him....i felt sparks flying, fireworks, electricity. It felt right. Tonight we were going on a date. I was in the shower washing my hair just trying to think of something to wear. I didn't even know where we were going... Do i look fancy or casual or what?! I was so nervous...and i didn't know's just Andy.
I got out of the shower and did my make up, then i grabbed my phone and texted Andy.
Me: hey um idk what to wear...fancy or casual?
Andy😏: casual love x

Okay so casual. I walked to my closet and got out my black leather looking leggings, a purple singlet and my black leather jacket as well as my black heeled boots. I put them on and then curled my hair. Within 20 or so minutes, Andy knocked at my door. I grabbed my phone and purse and answered the door, Andy wore a cut up KISS singlet, black skinnies and combat boots. "You look lovely" he smiled and held out his hand for me to take. After i locked the door we walked to his car, he opened my door for me and helped me inside, i sat there nervously, why was i so nervous? Did i like Andy more than i thought? He hopped in on his side and began backing out of the drive way.
He turned the radio on, pierce the veil was on and we happily listened to it. We made chit chat here and there but most of the time we were rocking out to the music. Thats one of the things i loved about hanging with Andy. I didn't feel nervous about singing and being a complete idiot around him, and that was nice, it was comfortable.

"So where are we going?" I asked as the man talked between songs. "To my favourite place" he smiled. "And wheres that?" I smirked. He smirked back and continued driving. I sighed and chuckled whilst looking out the window, the sun was starting to set, it was beautiful, as i was thinking that, saviour came on. Andy smiled and turned the volume up loud. I smiled. This song, although it was sad, it calmed me down.

"I never meant to be the one, who kept you from the dark, but now i know my wounds are sewn because of who you are"

I smiled at Andy, he sang along to himself. The song faded out and i happily sighed, i felt at peace with the world in this moment. Andy stopped the car, we were in an empty parking lot, the sun had set and the street lights were flaring upon the car. We got out of the car and Andy came around and held my hand. We walked onto the grass and around the corner there was a picnic blanket set up with tea candles and a picnic basket in the middle along with a radio near the edge. "Its perfect" i smiled looking at Andy. We sat down, he sat so close to me, barely any space to move. We talked for a bit before i kept stuttering and giggling, he looked at me questionably. "Sorry...i giggle and stutter when i'm nervous" i said shyly. "Oh, so you are nervous" he said in his deep husky voice as he closed the space between us, our lips almost touching, my heart was beating faster than i thought it could, his eyes beautifully looking into mine.

He leaned forward, closer and closer if it was even possible. Before i knew it, he was kissing me, his lips so soft and warm, his warm hands travelling up my waist, he was so inviting and i wanted more. "Andy..." I said trying to catch my breath. "I'm sorry...i just needed to kiss you" Andy chuckled. I chuckled back and then noticed strawberries. "STRAWBERRIES!!" I yelled and grabbed one. Andy laughed then picked one up, he bit into it and then put it up to my mouth for me to bite it. Andy poured us a glass of wine and we laid down looking at the stars, as we laid down, his hand intertwined with mine. His hand was so big and so rough, like he played guitar a lot, which wouldn't surprise me, he is a musician. I turned my head to look at him but noticed Andy was already looking at me. His baby blues honestly captivated me, but, not in a bad way, in a way where i felt like the safest bitch in town. We were looking at each other for what seemed like a long time when in reality it was probably only 2 minutes.

"Dance with me?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. We stood up and walked onto the grass. He turned the radio on and all i need by white temptation came one.  It was one of my favourite songs. Our hands interlocked and we danced and danced. His hand in mine, his hand on my waist, my hand on his shoulder. We danced and then it started raining, we looked up and started laughing. "I think we need to abandon ship!" Andy yelled over the rain. "No just wait! It'll clear up in a second!" I yelled back. We looked at each other and smiled, we continued dancing although we couldn't hear the music anymore, he grabbed my arm, spun me around and then kissed me. And in that moment, i loved him.

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