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  You shifted the heavy grocery bags as you attempted to unlock the door to your apartment. The letter six that hung above the peephole flung around turning into a nine due to a missing nail and the slight josteling of the door. You sighed and thought about slamming your head into the door but knew that the action would only cause a hole and a bigger headache. Thankfully a neighbor had noticed your struggling and had been kind enough to take your bags, you hurriedly opened the door and turned to thank the kind neighbor. Your tired (e/c) eyes met handsome bright green ones and you smiled. 

"Thank you so much" Your soft tired voice hung in the air. While the neighbor smiled slightly concerned and surprised. Why surprised? As you looked at him you noticed long stitches that decorated his skin, everywhere, even his face. You didn't flinch though nor did your smile drop like every normal persons but you couldn't help the sadness flash into your tired eyes.  His smile dropped a bit but he was used to it, he was used to people doing so much more and your reaction was tiny compared to others. 

"You looked like you needed some help... I'll fix the number for you too" His voice was a mixture of gruff but soft. Manly but gentle, I suppose you could say. He stepped into your makeshift house as you flipped on the kitchen light. Two of the four lightbulbs worked perfectly but one didn't work at all and the third only flickered a bit before giving out. A cupboard door leaned against another because it had fallen off. The place wasn't messy though just a little rundown though. You blushed a bit at the appearance of your tiny place... You weren't that great at fixing things and it was only you in here so when something broke it got set aside and forgotten. Liu set the bags down on the small table and looked around instantly he turned off the light and walked to the light bulbs screwing in the flickering one better and taking out the unworking one. "Do you have any other lightbulbs?" He asked.

You nodded and grabbed a fresh lightbulb from under the sink and handed it to him. You just then realized how tall he is because you couldn't touch the ceiling unless you jumped while his head was about three inches from the ceiling. You were probably five inches shorter than him and definetly weaker than him. You just realized that you let a random and not to mention bigger stranger into your apartment and didn't have anyone who would call you in missing . Oh well someone would probably hear you scream with how close everyone was to each other here. 

"Thanks" He said concentrating on putting it in.

"I think I should be the one saying that" You said sheepishly and began putting the groceries away. 

"It's no problem, I like fixing things... " His smile was soft and warm just like his dark caramel hair. You took a moment to take him in. He was tall and built, his legs were long and his dark caramel hair fell just before his shoulders that had a black and white scarf hung off of them. He was wearing a black trench coat and black skinny jeans  that hugged his body nicely. You bit your lip and blushed a bit he was extremely handsome and you probably looked like a tired mess. "So whats your name?" He questioned. The sudden sound of his voice made you jump a bit which caused you to blush more and him to smirk slightly. 

"(Y/n) and yours?"


"I don't think I've seen you around all that much.. Are you new here? ......D-do you even live here?" You asked. He chuckled.

"I've been here for about three months and yes I live here.. two doors down apartment 10B" He replied. You blushed slightly embarrassed about not noticing the newish neighbor.

"I'm sorry I only leave for school and work." You blushed more realizing how much of a loser that made you sound like. "I-I mean thats pretty much all I can do with all this homework" You gesture to the table which is covered in open books and random essays. 

"College?" He asks and you nod "Which Major?" 

"Criminal psychology" (Lol you're welcome) 

"I studied that as well, still am actually... I can help you if you want?" 

"Are you my guardian angel?" You asked as you yawned. He chuckled amused. 

"If you want to call me that then ya... I guess I can be your guardian angel."

Half a Lion Half a Lamb All in One ManHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin