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Cameron's POV -

Four days. Zero words. London has been in the hospital for four days and hasn't spoken at all, when the nurse came in Faithe & I had to explain everything. That same night London was raped, after Faithe & I explained everything, I had Faithe flown out to Atlanta to go to my moms. I hired security to go with her... I've sat by London's bed side quietly for four days. She has a black eye, her lips are swelled, accompanied by bruises on her face and stomach. The doctors told her that Shad ripped her private area. They kicked me out of the room & sewed it up I guess. But that was 3 days ago.

London hasn't eaten, spoken, drank anything or even picked up her cell phone. All she's done is sleep and stare at the wall.

"Baby.." I grabbed her hand. London turned her face towards me and looked at me out of her right eye.

"I promise things will get better. I'm sorry that I wasn't here to save you, or protect you & our daughter. I hate seeing you like this babe. I haven't heard your beautiful voice today, or that sexy laugh. I'm hurtin' too, I just want you to know that I love you. You're gorgeous, love & nothing will ever change that. Once I see that nigga he's dead. I promise you, I'm leaving that nigga's brains on the street." I said looking at her.

She started to tear up. She slowly got out of bed and started limping to the bathroom, I picked her up bridal style & carried her there. Once we got in the bathroom I helped her pull her underwear off, she sat down on the toilet seat & began to pee. She cried as she peed.

"Baby, you okay ?" I asked her as she slowly wiped herself.

"It burns really badly." She flushed the toilet.

Those are the first words I've heard from my wife in four days, that it burns to pee cause some nigga had to put his hands on her. She pulled her underwear up then limped to the sink, washing her hands. I noticed the whole time she looked down.

"Baby, look in the mirror." I rubbed her back.

She shook her head no.

"I don't wanna see what he did." She said.

"Please ?" I mumbled.

She looked up in the mirror, and then at me with tears threating to roll down her cheeks. London fell to her knees and started crying.

"No ! Why does this have to be me ?! I'm so fucking ugly!" She broke down.

"Bae, come here." I picked her up off the ground, trying to be gentle and not touch her bruises and she cried in my chest as I brought her back to her room. "You so fuckin' gorgeous, London Nicole ! Don't ever let me hear you say differently." I wiped her tears. I laid her in her hospital bed.

"Mrs.Parker, its lunchtime." The nurse said bringing in a tray of bullshit ass food.

"I'm not hungry." London turned over.

"Baby, its been four days of you not eatin', you gotta eat somethin' suga." I said in a Southern accent.

For the first time London started laughing.

"Stop it hurts !" She said clutching her stomach in pain, her smile wiped off her face.

"I'm sorry." I put my head down.

"London, I think your husband is right, they'll start giving you feeding tubes soon." The old black nurse said.

"When the fuck can I leave & get out of this bullshit ass place ?" London snapped.

"Honey, when you can walk without any problems on your own."

"You guys treat me like a little fucking kid & look at me like I'm helpless. Just leave ! You too, Cameron. Just go !" London said getting pissed. I looked at her confused. "NOW !" She yelled.

I walked out into the hallway with tears streaming down my face. I went into the cafeteria and sat down at a table & did something that I haven't done in a minute.

"Dear Lord, Jesus, God, whichever you prefer, please help my wife. We in a very hard place right now & she ain't happy at all. I don't know if you'll forgive me for killing Shad, it's just somethin' I feel like I have to do for the sake of my family. Please help my wife on the path leading to health & happiness, because I know we ain't there together. Jesus, I love her... I can't lose her over this. Please help a brotha' out.. somethin.. Amen." I finished the prayer looking up. I wiped my tears and then went up in the cafeteria line, I ordered some chili cheese fries, London's favorite.

I got them and then walked all the way back to London's room.

"Bae, look what I g-" I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized London wasn't in the room. "Fuck !" I yelled.

At this point, I ain't give a fuck about nothing but finding my wife. I opened up every patients door, until I checked the bathroom.

I saw London on the ground with a handfull of pills, she was crying hard.

"Get away !" She yelled.

"Stop, let me help you !" I yelled back.

"No, Cam ! I already took four ! Just leave me."

"NO LONDON, YOU AIN'T LEAVING ME !" I yelled snatching the pills from her.

"LET ME DIE !" She yelled crying as I threw the pills down the toilet.

"I'll send you to rehab ! STOP !" I yelled in tears.

"Just let me die, Cameron ! I want to die !" She said crying hard.

I pulled her into my chest as I cried harder.

"Don't leave me, please." I cried holding her close to me.

"O-ok-kay." She sniffled.

I kissed the top of her head and held her. The second I see Shad's ass, its a wrap.


My Life Be Like 3 : Alternate Ending ; Cam & London.Where stories live. Discover now