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Cameron's POV -

"Babyyyy !" London yelled, jumping on me once I walked through the door.

"You missed me, baby ?" I asked as she kissed on my neck.

"Yes !" She smiled and kissed me.

I smiled, kissing her softly. I just saw her early yesterday morning, but I'm glad she missed me.

"I missed you too, babe." I put her down. "Where's my baby girl ?"

"She's upstairs with a surprise." London smiled.

"A surprise ?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on." She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.

I looked around and saw Faithe sitting on the counter holding a fairy wand. My daughter is so adorable.

"Hey baby !" I picked her up kissing her cheek. "I love your hair like this." I said touching it. She never has straight hair, but it looks amazing on her.

"Thank you, daddy." She smiled.

I looked around and saw cupcakes and a big ass banner that said 'Congratulations'.

"Baby, why does that say congratulations, I always go to promote shoes." I looked at London.

"It's not that.." London intertwined her fingers, looking at Faithe.

"Well what is it ?" I smiled, and looked down at Faithe.

"Cameron, I'm pregnant." London smiled wide. "4 months."

I looked at her, then back down at Faithe.

"You what ?" I asked.

Tears filled her eyes as her smile faded.

"I'm four months pregnant, Cameron."

I put Faithe on the counter and grabbed a cupcake.

"London, come back here. We need to talk." I said walking back in the bedroom.

"Faithe, don't jump off that counter." London followed me.

I stood in the room and stared at London. I took a bite out of the cupcake and stared at her.

"So you know for sure you pregnant ?" I said.

"Yeah.." She looked down.

I wrapped my arm around London and pulled her body onto mine, kissing her deep. She wrapped her arms around my neck & slid her tongue in my mouth. I pinned her against the wall, and began kissing her neck.

"I'm so fuckin' happy, babe." I said to her.

"Really ?"

"Hell yeah, I didn't wanna react in front of Faithe, I know she wouldn't be happy."

"Babe, she'll be happy once he gets here." She mumbled.

"He ?!" I exclaimed, putting her down.

"I think we're gonna have a son." She smiled.

"I hope." I smiled big.

"Me too, but lets go see what baby girl doing." She grabbed my hand and walked out the room.

Once we got into the living room, Faithe was straddled out on the counter, stuffing herself with cupcakes.

"Baby ! What are you doing ?" London asked her, looking at the icing all over her face.

Faithe looked up at her and dropped the cupcakes.

"Mommy, I'm not doing anything." Faithe licked icing off her fingers.

"Oh, you're not ?" I asked, walking towards her.

"Noooo." She smiled.

I began tickling her. She started squirming, laughing hard. I picked Faithe up and licked icing off her cheek.

"Daddy ! Yuckkky." She yelled out loud.

I laughed and licked my lips.

"Baby girl, are you ready for Mommy and Daddy to have another baby ?" I asked.

"No.. daddy, I wanna be daddy & mommy's only baby." She wrapped her arms around my neck, staring at me with her big hazel eyes.

"Baby, you'll always be daddy's first baby." I looked her in the eyes.

"Mommy alweady swaid dat, dadddy." Faithe whined and stared crying in my chest.

"Big girls don't talk like that or cry." London said walking up to us.

"I don't wanna be a big girl, Momma, I wanna be the baby." She cried. I bounced her up and down.

"Baby girl, I'm sorry, but mommy has to have this baby." London rubbed her stomach.

"I hate you, Mommy. Why you doing this to me ?" Faithe cried out loud.

London looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry.." She tapped on Faithe's arm.

"NO !" Faithe yelled, jumping out of my arms. She ran out the living room into her room, crying.

"Shit, Lo. I didn't know that was gon' -"

She put her hand up and shook her head.

"Just, just leave me alone." She turned around and walked back into our room.

I rubbed my face and sighed loudly. I hope my baby girl's gon' be aight. I'm just gon' let this simmer down for right now though. I don't know.

My Life Be Like 3 : Alternate Ending ; Cam & London.Where stories live. Discover now